Your Dream

Your Dream

I’ve been a deejay for more than half my life.

I don’t hear music the way you hear music.

When I listen to a song, there’s always a part of me thinking how that song would work in a mix. What song would go before it? What would go after it? What would be the shape of the mix?

I can’t turn that part of me off.

Today, on a whim, I listened to my Liked Songs playlists on Spotify while running errands. I dug what I was listening to (I did like the songs, after all). And as is my way, I heard songs in the playlist that just felt right together. It’d be a shame not to share it.

So here it is. I hope you like it.

Oh, and you can also find the playlist for today’s show here on Spotify.

  1. Kim Jung Mi “Your Dream”
  2. Yamasuki Singers “Yamamoto Kakapote”
  3. Gaye Su Akyol “Laziko”
  4. Flo Morrissey & Matthew E. White “Govindam”
  5. El Michels Affair “Zaharila”
  6. Kelly Lee Owens “8”
  7. Don Cherry “Malkauns”