Today’s guest deejay is Damien Duque, AKA City of Dawn.

I met Damien through Kévin Séry, AKA From Overseas, who was our guest deejay back in July. Kévin spun a gorgeous mix. Afterward, I asked Kévin who he thought would want to share a mix on Soundwave, and he highly recommended Damien. After dipping into Damien’s catalog on Bandcamp, I understood why. Damien captures that dreamy, post-rock sound I love that creates ambient drone soundscapes. Wonderful stuff.

Damien’s mix for today’s show is no less extraordinary.

An interesting aspect about Soundwave is that you, dear reader, most likely listen to each show once. And that’s perfectly all right. Podcasts are a disposable medium. You listen to one podcast and then move on to the next. I do the same thing.

But I listen to each mix sent my way for Soundwave many times. They become the soundtrack to my life. Damien’s mix has provided the score to the horror unfolding in Ukraine. I’m sure that’s not how Damien wanted his mix to be distinguished, but there it is.

As I’ve said many times, I launched Soundwave to cope with the stress and isolation of the pandemic. I never anticipated that it would help me deal with a possible third World War.’

Wherever you are in the world listening to today’s show, I hope it finds you well. I hope today’s show provides solace or, at the very least, an hour’s worth of distraction. I naively hope the conflict in Ukraine winds down without too much more suffering and death. And I hope that things do not spin out of control and drag the rest of the world into this geopolitical shitstorm.

You can find Damien on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Damien has some words about his mix below.


Damien Duque, AKA City of Dawn
Damien Duque, AKA City of Dawn

It’s an honor to be part of the Soundwave series. I love doing mixes like this and share new tunes from artist that I adore, have listened often on repeat and discovered . It’s a great way to go on a unique journey and to immerse yourself in the work of amazing artists that I collaborated with, adore and have inspired . This mix was made on Midnight of August 27, 2021. Preparing for fall season. There are more artists that I adore that didn’t fit with the mix, but for sure I’m going to add more of them in future mixes.

Join us next week when our guest deejay will be Tyresta.

See you then.

  1. Amulets “Observer Effect”
  2. Joshua W Bruner “Somehow Sleeping”
  3. Steve Roach “Left Perfectly Alone”
  4. Christina Giannone “The Portal”
  5. dottie “Knell Valley”
  6. Polar Moon “We’re not Alone”
  7. Hammock “We watched you Disappear”
  8. Illuminine “Inferences”
  9. Slow Meadow “Fake Magic is Real”
  10. Andrea Cortez “Evening Frogs”
  11. City Of Dawn “Quiet Years and Broken Shells”
  12. Willamette “New York Heat”

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