solipsistic NATION No. 97: Bubblegone and Verzerren, Live

For those of you who live in the U.S., Happy 4th of July!

Today is a special day for me because July 4th of 2004 is when solipsistic NATION was first broadcast on Free Radio San Diego (FRSD). Back then, studio of FRSD was located in a toolshed. We had an air conditioner but that only brought down the temperature down a few degrees and I had to turn it off whenever I went on the mic for on-air announcements to avoid the air conditioner’s hum.

Another challenge of doing an electronic music show on FRSD was that our station used Ots Labs radio software. Ots Labs has come a long way but when I first began solipsistic NATION their app was great for programing the schedules for shows but lousy for doing the seamless segues you expect from an electronic music show. Despite the software and our air conditioner I managed to put out a decent show each week and built up an audience in San Diego for people who were starved for just such a program.

In addition to solipsistic NATION‘s four year anniversary I’ll have released 100 editions of the show as a podcast in three weeks and in September solipsistic NATION will celebrate two years of weekly podcasts. 2008 is a banner year for solipsistic NATION!

This week’s show is special for another reason because I’ve released one show featuring a live performance by an electronic artists for nearly a year. When I began the live segment I thought it would be something that I would do occasionally on the show and never expected that it would become a monthly segment. In the last year I’ve has live sets from the likes of Robert Rich, Hol Baumann and Meat Beat Manifesto and in the next few months you can expect to hear concerts by The Orb, Bass Science and Aes Dana.

To celebrate solipsistic NATION‘s four year anniversary we have a live performance from Bubblegone and Verzerren. Play it when the fireworks begin!

One more thing: Travis Nobles of the hidenplace music blog, who I had as a guest DJ on the show back in February, has put out his first mix. Beautiful stuff and you can download it here.

Photo Credit: chromedecay

  1. Bubblegone vs. Verzerren “Live at the Darkroom (Chicago, IL 2004)”
  2. Interview with Jason Engling of Bubblegone and Joe Bauer of Verzerren
  3. Bubblegone “Live at the Dreamland Theater (Ypsilanti, MI 2007)” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  4. Interview with Jason Engling of Bubblegone and Joe Bauer of Verzerren