solipsistic NATION No. 22: Quietus

I’ve touched on ambient music on solipsistic NATION in the past but I thought it was time to have an entire episode dedicated to this genre.

Ambient music is ambiguous and open-ended in scope, including everything from Erik Satie‘s Trois Gymnopédies suite to Brian Eno‘s atmospheric On Land album. My own definition of ambient music is a bit narrower in that I don’t think of pieces like Satie’s Gymnopédies as ambient music. While Gymnopédies is certainly a work of quiet genius I consider it more of an instrumental piece.

I think of ambient music as music that is near formless, something that is amorphous and nebulous. It’s more about sounds that evoke a mood than a series of rhythmic patterns.

  1. Mel “Framed Moon”
  2. Insideamind “Right This Way”
  3. Poolbath “Auto-Exit2″
  4. Cinema Volta “2005-09-04″
  5. Janek Schaefer “All Bombing is Terrorism”
  6. Chris Herbert “Chlorophyll”
  7. Dave from Chub Creek “7777777″
  8. Muslimgauze “Fazisi”
  9. Dysphor “Self-Aware Pulsations”
  10. Spainful Films Soundtrack Dept. “Church Outing 20060312″
  11. Ezekiel Honig & Morgan Packard “A Long Time Ago”
  12. Irokez “Dark Blue”
  13. If Thousands “Radio Is Fine”