solipsistic NATION No. 121: Going Native

I usually release my shows Thursdays at midnight so you can kick off your weekend with the latest solipsistic NATION but the last couple of shows have gone out a day or two late. I know that since this is a podcast you can listen to it whenever you like so being late a day or two isn’t such a big deal. But if you’re like me, there are a couple of shows that I really enjoy and I get annoyed when they release their shows late. If I’ve annoyed you, I offer my sincere apologies.

This week’s show is actually three days late. I’ve been sick for the last week and I just couldn’t find the energy to get out of bed and record the show. Usually I take a few days off from work to recover from a cold but this year I’ve taken way too many sick days as it is and couldn’t afford to take any more time off so I just had to suck it up and get through the week.

Being sick the last week has really sucked but I’ve been having some amazing dreams!

Last night I dreamt I was independent contractor who drove a supply truck for the military. I was checked through security to make a delivery and while I was on the base I saw a bunch of prisoners of war on their knees with their hands clasped behind their head while soldiers had their machine guns trained on the back of their skulls in an abandoned parking garage.

On of the higher ups approached me and was threatening in a very charming way. He asked me if I’d be interested in participating in one of their studies. With dream logic I knew it would be some sort of science fiction experiment that would give me fantastic powers at a terrible price. I begged off and spent the rest of the dream trying to escape from the base without drawing attention to myself.

Meanwhile, military scientists were studying my movements on security cameras and noted how I was unconsciously warping reality to aid in my escape. They were speculating on how dangerous I might become if I ever became aware if my power and debating when to send soldiers out to contain me.

Pretty cool, huh?

Photo Credit: damndirty

  1. Shamanic Technology “Rites Of Passage”
  2. Dubosmium “7Heavens” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  3. Mystical Sun “Incense”
  4. I Awake “Constellation of the Heart (Native Edit)”
  5. Ad·ver·sary “International Dark Skies” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  6. Sawako “Deep Under”
  7. Al Margolis “Natraj”
  8. Koen Park “Laburnum”
  9. Bubblegone “Letters from Home” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  10. rngmnn “What Goes Around Comes Around” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  11. Evan Bartholomew “Leaving Behind Ourselves”