Today’s guest deejay is Jakob Lindhagen.
Sofia Nystrand introduced me to several fantastic musicians after sharing her Vargkvint mix on Soundwave (you can listen to it here). Jakob was one of those musicians, and after I listened to some of his releases, I invited him to guest deejay.
Jakob is an award-winning film composer based in Stockholm, Sweden. His most recent soundtrack is Ziba, a movie about an Afghan woman living in Sweden, struggling with the realisation that she has developed romantic feelings for another woman, and the consequences that will have for her marriage and family. Jakob’s soundtrack for Ziba will be released Thursday, May 12. You can listen to a single from the soundtrack here. It’s a beautiful, moving piece.
Speaking of soundtracks, I listened to Jakob’s mix while playing the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game on Roll20. It lent atmosphere to the game and heightened the experience.
Jakob has some words about his mix below.
Before I leave you, Soundwave guest deejay Alex Haas has released his new album, STRING OF PIECES. His album has become part of my mourning routine as I start my workday. Listen to Alex’s mix for Soundwave here.
Join us next week when our guest deejay will be Andrew Tasslemyer.

I’ve always found the duo constellation very interesting, as it’s so intimate. Whereas the solo work is the reflection of one vision, and a band can be everything from a fair democracy to a dictatorship, the duo is such a fascinating reflection of two combined minds, often resulting in a synergy effect. The mix contains some of the most inspiring duos I know (of), as well as a couple of examples where I myself have felt elevated by my collaborator.
- Aaron Martin & Dag Rosenqvist “Opening”
- CEEYS_Brueder Selke “Hiddensee”
- Jakob Lindhagen & Dag Rosenqvist “Östersjön”
- Hoshiko Yamane & Mikael Lind “Beyond The Hidden”
- AVAWAVES “Waves”
- Kinbrae “The River Awakens”
- Hydras Dream “The Little Match Girl”
- Jakob Lindhagen & Vargkvint “Bäckahäst”
- Ben Frost & Daníel Bjarnason “Simulacra II”
- Klangriket and Sjors Mans “Prinsengracht”
- Olec Mün and Michael Sarian “Manaas”
- John Hayes & Maxy Dutcher “Arrival”
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