Today’s guest deejay is Joseph Kamaru, AKA KMRU.
Having Joseph on the show is a bit of synchronicity. I became aware of Joseph’s music a few years ago while searching for music on Bandcamp. What immediately struck me was the sense of intimacy I experienced while listening to his music. Yes, I’m aware that the genres Joseph expresses himself through lend themselves to that kind of feeling. And I’m also aware that this is a complete projection, but I got the sense that a movement of thoughts and emotions conveyed in his music.

Shortly after conning across Joseph, guest deejays on Soundwave began including tracks from his album in their mixes. So, of course, I reached out to him to share select tracks on the show.
Joseph’s mix, like his releases, has that sense of interplay between thoughts and emotions. And, perhaps, sympathetically, Joseph’s mix stirred up thoughts and feelings in me, which is the whole point.
Join sun next week when our guest deejay will be protoU.
See you then.
- Tenka “Nutrition ~ Microorganisms In The Darkness Of Life ~”
- Gylden “Bug light”
- Emily A. Sprague “Water Memory 2”
- Félicia Atkinson “Our Tides”
- Julia Reidy “World in World”
- anthéne “Cedar Point II”
- Emilía “Layover II”
- naemi “rast”
- LB Marszalek “Sorrow”
- Hiroki Takahashi “Seed”
- Belong “Vowel (Digital Bonus)”
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