I had the pleasure of meeting Enrico through Giulio Aldinucci, who also guest deejayed on Soundwave (listen to Giulio’s mix here). Enrico’s work combines beautiful and challenging sounds, and I’m excited to have him on the show today to share his unique perspective on music.
Enrico’s mix takes us on a journey through a diverse array of experimental and ambient music. It’s a beautiful mix that evokes different emotions and landscapes and is a lovely way to start the new year.
Enrico is an environmental sound recordist and sound artist from Italy. His work has been featured by some of the most respected labels in the genre, such as Crónica, Gruen Rekorder, taâlem , and many more. He also runs the digital label Galaverna, with Leandro Pisano, Nicola Di Croce, and Vernalis, in collaborate with Krisis Publishing.
Enrico has some words about his mix below.
Join us next week when our guest deejay will be Petter Lindhagen.
See you then.
Enrico Coniglio
Here is a mix I made some time ago on a CD-R that has yet to be released on the internet anywhere. A selection of post-folk & ambient songs coming from the past, with a strong, wintery, and intimate vibe and some evanescent vocals here and there.
Thomas’s music kept popping up on Soundwave mixes. It wasn’t until I asked Andrew Tasselmyer whom he knew, who might share a mix on the show, and he said Thomas that I understood the universe was trying to send me a message: get Thomas on Soundwave. At least, that’s how I interpret it.
Thomas’s music is warm and intimate. I’m listening to the Communiqué album he recorded with Jogging House as I write this, and it’s perfect listening for a crisp winter night. I was curious to hear who’d include in his mix. When I saw Jason Corder’s offthesky project in his playlist, I knew I was in good hands. Whereas Thomas’s music is warm fire to rub your hands to, his mix feels like stepping out to a bracing day with magical side quests. Again, my subjective interpretation.
I’m glad I listened to the universe.
Speaking of Thomas’s music, he has a new vocal album called Eidetic coming out on Morr Music in March 2023. He also has a Bandcamp subscription with lots of exclusive music, and it is constantly evolving.
Join us next week when our guest deejay will be Ian Wellman.
I met Peter through Harrold Roeland and I invited Peter to guest deejay on the show (listen to his mix here). I did not anticipate that a mix from Peter would be something of an event. Peter’s mixes are more like epic tone poems that contain both the cosmic and the mundane in one listening experience.
Cloudwatching Sequence
Furthermore, Peter meticulously crafts his mixes. Peter might use a passage once from a song or as a leitmotif. His mixes are dense and multilayered. Peter’s skill is that despite the complexity of his mixes, they are seamless and fluid. You don’t need to know the immense effort that produced the mix you are listening to appreciate its beauty and artistry.
Because Peter mixes feel like an event, it felt appropriate to release today’s show for Halloween as we celebrate the darker half of the year.
Peter has some words about his mix below.
Join us next week when out guest deejay will be Mike Lazarev.
See you then.
Most (if not all) previous Ambientblog mixes always had some dark moments; they are never “just” relaxing. You can only feel release if you also feel tension.
This time, I wanted to avoid the darkness and create a “lighter mood mix.” Not of the “Ibiza Chillout Lounge” kind, but one that can be played in the background and is still exciting enough to listen to. I hope I succeeded, but of course, you’re the one to decide about that!
With two hours, Cloudwatching is longer than usual. Only a few tracks are included in their full length, but most are heavily edited or even just short fragments. Also, they are often overlayed, so you’ll hear the music in a different context. The extensive playlist below may help you track down the original in their full-length versions.
I hope you’ll enjoy watching these -imaginary- clouds!
Sasha is the closest thing Soundwave has to an in-house deejay. I was introduced to her through Dronny Darko (listen to his mix for Soundwave here). Sasha’s first mix was elemental and cosmic. Her second mix was cozy and intimate. Sasha, as Robocat, shared anthemic bangers to celebrate Pride on her third mix for Soundwave.
Sasha Puzan, AKA protoU
Sasha returns with a mix that is, for the most part, a compilation of select tracks from Tehnofonika Records. It’s been my soundtrack as San Diego transitions from summer to fall. It’s dark, rhythmic, atmospheric, and sexy.
Sasha’s new album, Untitledcloud, will be released next month on her birthday, November 10th, through ECOUL SND. If you enjoy Sasha’s music and mixes, consider purchasing her album as a gift to her and yourself. More importantly, she asks that you support Ukraine.
Join us next week when our guest deejay will be Peter van Cooten.
I discovered Monty when the Cryo Chamber label sent out an email announcing the release of Monty’s new album, Fifth Nature. Whenever Cryo Chamber drops an album I drop whatever I’m doing and listen to it because they never fail to deliver mind blowing. Fifth Nature was no exception.
Monty Adkins, Skrika
The “liner notes” explains that Fifth Nature is the first of a series of albums set in the far distant future on a dying Earth. I appreciate concept albums that created their own mythology, but you certainly need to be aware of the backstory of Fifth Nature. The album stands on its own and you will lose yourself in its richly textures of a soundtrack for a distant apocalypse. Enjoy!
Monty’s mix draws upon the roster of artists on Cryo Chamber. Think of it as a compilation album as distilled by Monty. His mix captures the spirit of the label as well as reflecting Monty’s own tastes.
You’re going to love today’s mix. I encourage you listen to other artists from Cryo Chamber that appear in Monty’s mix such as Dronny Darko and Tineidae who have guest deejayed on Soundwave
Join us next week for our 100th episode when our guest deejay will be Justin Broadrick.
Today’s guest deejay is Ilya Fursov, AKA Textere Oris.
Ilya is yet another guest deejay that comes to us by way of the Cryo Chamber music label. I’m sometimes reluctant to feature musicians from Cryo Chamber because I showcase artists from their roster a lot. But that’s because the label’s releases are so good that why would I not invite them on Soundwave?
I was introduced to Ilya after listening to Reflections at the Sea, an album he released with Vladislav Sikach, AKA SiJ. Like most albums on Cryo Chamber, I was immersed in the world they unfolded through their music. I often listen to music while working or doing chores, but I often found myself pausing what I was doing as I got lost in Reflections. Ilya’s mix for today’s show is equally mysterious and magical.
Ilya Fursov, AKA Textere Oris
Here in the States, we celebrated Thanksgiving. As I write this, I’m in Boston. This is the first time my father, uncle, brother, and sister have been under the same roof in decades. It wasn’t without family drama, but I suspect that’s part of the Thanksgiving tradition. I also got to spend time with some of my oldest and dearest friends.
I admit to being reluctant to travel to Boston. Mingling with people at the airport and flying with more people in a metal tube with people for five hours was unsettling. I certainly don’t want to catch the virus, and I wouldn’t want to pass the virus on to my family. My father and uncle are in their seventies, and I’m all too aware that my time with them shortens each year.
Like most people, I was able to put the pandemic out of my mind for a while and enjoy myself. But the Coronavirus is not done with us, and now we have to Omicron variant to contend with. Soundwave is my way of coping with the pandemic, and each time I think the show has served its purpose, there is yet another reason to continue sharing mixes with you. And here we are.
Join us next week when our guest deejay will be Dead Melodies.
Today’s guest deejay is Julie Carpenter, AKA Less Bells.
Several months ago, I did a deep dive on musicians on Bandcamp who explored ambient, classical, experimental, and instrumental music. Julie explores all those genres, so naturally, I invited her to join us on SOUNDWAVE. I expected to be surprised, but I didn’t expect how surprised by her mix. Dirty Projectors? Buddy Sainte-Marie? Big Star? What the hell?!? I’m not complaining. In fact, I’m delighted!
Speaking of delights, I urge you to go on your music streaming platform of choice and listen to Julie’s music. I’ve been listening to her albums constantly since first discovering her music, and I have a feeling you’ll do the same. Better yet, if you like what you hear, and you will, why not spend a few dollars on some of her songs or her albums. You can thank me later.
Julie will talk about her mix below.
I need to wrap this up because my wife will visit me for the next week and I need to tidy up around the house. The pandemic and work have kept us apart for months at a time. While I’m used to a solitary life, I don’t like being apart from her this long. But I have relapsed into my former bachelor ways and need to get things shipshape before she’s back in town.
Join us next week when our guest deejay will be Emil Zapffe, AKA João Guimarães.
See you then!
Julie Carpenter, AKA Less Bells
Putting together a coherent playlist makes me feel like I’m having a party and leaving some of my favorite guests standing outside in the cold. I start with way too many ideas and then eliminate the various contestants. This is how I write music, too. It isn’t until I’m done that I can see what I was trying to do. This list revealed itself as a collection of my favorite sound palettes.
I love music that makes me ask, “how on earth did they do that?” The whole Bitte Orca album from Dirty Projectors is a cabinet of wonders, but this is the crowning gem for me. They hung this beautiful melody on reversed swelling strings, and it’s sculptural.
The Clint Heidorn piece that follows has its own kind of dimensionality but pursues it through timbres. The way the sax, strings, guitar, and upright bass move together creates one gorgeous multi-faceted instrument.
Windy & Carl have such a deep body of work, it was hard to choose, but I love the little chimes that litter the winter landscape of “Snow Covers Everything.” Guitar and vocal sounds are their trademark, but it’s the attention to little sonic details that sets them apart.
“Sleep Walk” is a song I’ve loved my whole life because it’s one of those perfect melodies that embodies yearning and satisfaction in the same moment. Also, it’s got the best reverb.
Christina Vantzou’s piece that follows is from a completely different planet, but the dialogue between the elements she’s chosen is so subtle and warm. It’s a piece you can wrap up in.
The Books take us in yet another direction, a frantic scramble of chopped acoustic bits that comes together in an emotionally resonant way.
Buffy Sainte-Marie is a hero of mine in many ways, but I especially love Illuminations for her experimentation with processing. “Poppies” shows off her acrobatic voice in such a chilling atmosphere.
I debated putting “Kanga Roo” on this list as it’s such a well-known song, but it’s got so many elements that draw me in. It’s the ultimate beautiful mess: distortion clashing with strings, dissonance, and melody, timing fluid to the point of falling apart.
I closed out the playlist with “Queen of Crickets” from the most recent Less Bells album Mourning Jewelry because I feel like its one of our most successful experiments with texture. I loved bringing together the sound of a 120-year-old banjo with synthesizers and strings. In the end, it’s all just vibrations and how they move the listener.
A few months ago Dronny Darko came on the show with a killer mix. As usually, I asked Dronny who he knew personally who would be interested in sharing a mix of their own for SOUNDWAVE and Dronny recommended protoU. It’s a dark and mysterious that’s both ethereal and earthy. Sasha’s mix resonates with me because it is reminiscent of the first two albums that introduced me to ambient music, Brian Eno’s Ambient 4: On Land and Apollo: Atmospheres and Soundtracks. Sasha’s mix also include’s Hivetribe’s “Uthernno”, which features one of my favorite recording of a 1950s housewife trying to describe a LSD experience.
You will not be disappointed with Sasha’s mix. I’ve had her mix on repeat for weeks and I still find something new in it.
In other news, this tiny show dedicated to niche genres of music that I launched to help cope with the stress of COVID-19 is growing ever so slightly, which is gratifying.
I don’t do much to promote SOUNDWAVE because it’s not that kind of show. It really is a form of therapy and I’m touched by every guest deejay’s generosity. I’m also moved that you, dear listener, take time out of your no doubt busy week to experience the mixes offered on this show. Maybe it’s time to share this show with more people. If you know of someone that you think would enjoy SOUNDWAVE, grab their phone and subscribe them to the podcast.
Join us again next week when our guest deejay will be… let me check my schedule… me!
Last night I played Mothership, a sci-fi horror roleplaying game where you and your crew try to survive in the most inhospitable environment in the universe: outer space! If you enjoy films like Aliens or Event Horizon then this game is definitely for you.
I first heard about Mothership on the excellent Full Metal RPG podcast. I was intrigued by the idea and purchased the game without hesitation. That was six months ago. Between the press of life and being intimidated by running a horror roles playing game the rule book sat on my shelf. When I received a notification from Meetup that there was an opportunity to play Mothership at Off The Shelf Games I RSVP’d immediately. My buddy Al told me he was itching to try a role playing game so I invited him to join me.
Off The Shelf Games is a new store located in El Cajon. The place well lit, neat and tidy, and the staff are very friendly. I met Matthew, who would be running the game, and my fellow players, Jordan and Joe. We very quickly rolled up our characters which as very easy to do because the character sheet is pretty much a flowchart. I played Nathaniel Grimm, a salty teamster. Jordan played Tank, a trigger happy marine. Jordan played Miguel, our android assistant and Al played Professor Sagan, a scientist.
We were traveling through space, each of us in suspended animation tucked away in our cryopods, when were rudely awakened. A chunk of metal had been flung into the cryopod controls and in the vacuum of space we would soon perish. I made my way out of my pod and rescued Sagan, who was quickly running out of air. I then checked the damage and ascertained that we were hosed and pushed myself off to the next room to gather vacc suits while Sagan rescued Tank, who was vomiting in his pod.
We made our way to the ships bridge and received a message: our vessel had been harpooned. We could either stay on the ship and die or join our unknown assailants in a business proposition. I checked our engines and confirmed that we had indeed been harpooned and the damage was fatal. The engines were leaking radiation and could blow at a minute. With no choice we agreed to be boarded.
We traversed an umbilical from our ship to theirs, which we discovered was unmanned and chock full of explosives. We were taken to the planet below and met by a huge android with three faces and 11 starving humans. The android gave us a proposition: go beneath the planet’s surface and rescue a child. Our options were not good do we agreed and quickly descended into the planet’s blowers but not before each of us were horrifically inserted with black box to track our whereabouts and record our every thought.
Form there it was essentially a dungeon crawl. We went from room to room and found humans that were glowing, twitching cyborgs or slowly melting into goo. And like any good dungeon crawl we had to battle these monsters, the only difference is each time our stress levels were notched up, impairing us physically and mentally. And also like any good dungeon crawl we did battle with some big bads and a boss. In this case it was a teleporting robot who was responsible for the melting humans and a biomech dire wolf and our boss fight was with the AI who was responsible for all of it.
The AI also had a proposition: it would infect one of us with a virus that would kill everyone topside. Unimpeded, the AI could then get one with its business of devouring the planet. While the team debated the pros and cons of this proposition I snatched one of Tank’s grenades and lobbed it at the AI’s core, which was already stopped with explosives from a previous team that had failed in a similar mission.
From there we fought our way back to the surface of the planet. Tank tossed grenade after grenade and emptied his sub machine gun at the orbit and the dire wolf and I exhausted my laser cutter on our foes. Miguel injected Tank with stim pack after stim pack and pumped him full of pain meds to keep Tank going. We succeeded but not with out taking a lot of damage and Tank lost an arm.
When we made our way to the planet’s surface we explained we had left the kid below but had killed the AI. Our android benefactor was pleased with that and let us leave the planet with lots of cash.
The game was a blast and very easy to pick up. Matthew did an excellent job moving the game along and revealing horror after horror. We were all impressed with Al. Most people who play a role playing game for the first time are a bit timid because they’re a unfamiliar with the rules and are overwhelmed with the game play. Not Al. He dove in head first and was effectively our team leader. Al had to bow out early and the dynamic off the group changed dramatically and it took us a while to get back to steam.
I’ll definitely join in further adventures if he decides to keep running Motherhship. My only quibbles is that I don’t think a well-lit gaming store is the best environment for Mothership. If you’re going to play a horror role playing game I think you need to be in a dark room with some spooky music playing in the background, maybe something by Cryo Chamber. Also, I would have preferred more role playing and less “my character says this” or “my character does that.” But other than that it was a rollicking good time and I’m glad I finally got to play Mothership.