Today’s guest deejay is Christoph Berg.

Christoph is a composer and musician living and working in Berlin, focusing on chamber music and music for film. Besides releasing music on various imprints, Christoph runs his own record label Monochrome Editions. He also releases electroacoustic music as Field Rotation.

That’s all verbiage I copied and pasted from Discogs. I could use words like minimal, haunted, and mournful to describe it but you really, you need to experience Christoph’s music for yourself.


Christoph Berg
Christoph Berg

While writing this, I can tell you that I was listening to his Tape Anthology Vol. 1 album over my AirPods. My wife is asleep next to me, and I don’t want to disturb her. I was caught up in the emotions that Christoph was stirring in me when I began to be aware of the sounds of my stomach gurgling. But then it dawned on me that it wasn’t my stomach. It was gentle rumbling sounds within Christoph’s music. I’m sure that wasn’t Christoph’s intent, but for me, it gave an intimate and organic feel to his music. The experience endeared me to Christoph in an unexpected way.

Christoph’s mix, on the other hand, seems to capture the desolate spirit of our pandemic winter of 2022.

Everyone I know seems to have COVID. I have a dry, slight cough. It could be from the booster shot I received last week, a common cold I picked up, or the virus. And so, as part of my now monthly routine, I need to schedule yet another COVID test. But this is the shape of our lives now, so I square my shoulders and get on with it.

Christoph’s mix provides the soundtrack to what feels like it will be a very long winter.

Join us next week when our guest deejay will be Kazuya Nagaya.

See you then.

  1. Strain of Laws “Ordinary Mystique”
  2. Hildur Guðnadóttir “Gallery”
  3. Murcof “Dropped Soul/Shadow Surfing”
  4. Jasmine Guffond & Erik K Skodvin “The Burrower”
  5. Egisto Macchi “Segni Preistorici”
  6. John Wall “Stat:Unt:Dist”
  7. Tim Hecker and Daniel Lopatin “Vaccination No. 2”
  8. Black Merlin “Sibi”
  9. PDP III “Walls of Kyoto”
  10. Radiohead “The Jumbled Words of Climbing Up the Walls Read by Little Dan Clements”
  11. Makunouchi Bento “Jubokko”
  12. Meitei / 冥丁 “Jizo”
  13. Twinkle³ with Sidsel Endresen “Debris in L.E.O.”
  14. Mica Levi “Delete Beach (Japanese)
  15. Mikado Koko みかどここ “Ten Little Kuronbo”
  16. Demdike Stare x Il Gruppo Di Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza “The Feed-Back Loop (excerpt)”
  17. Robert Millis “Only Here A Short While”

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Today’s guest deejay is Innesti.

Innesti’s mix concludes my deep dive of musicians I’ve discovered on Bandcamp and invited to deejay on SOUNDWAVE.



When I found Innesti on Bandcamp, I immersed myself in their music. I think it was Brian Eno who described ambient music in a metaphor of a painting: you can either have the painting as something that’s part of your background and enjoy it on that level, or you can choose to shift your focus to the painting and experience it at that level. Innesti’s music definitely fulfills those categories but awards active listening.

I’m listening to some of Innesti’s music as I write this. It’s the golden hour, and the kitchen I am writing you from is magically lit, and Innesti is providing the soundtrack to this enchanting moment.

I’ll most definitely feature more artists on Bandcamp on the show in the future, but not at the same volume.

If you’re unfamiliar with Bandcamp, it’s a service that sells music and gives musician and music labels a fair percentage of money generated from sales on Bandcamp.


The pilgrimage to Amoeba Music
The pilgrimage to Amoeba Music

Speaking of buying music, yesterday we took our son to Amoeba Music in Los Angeles. He recently got into vinyl, so and I’m happy to indulge him. California has leveled off on COVID-19 infections enough that the state is opening business to the public. Even so, there was a long line to get in the building because they can only admit people in at lowered numbers for everyone’s safety.

Our son picked up Tomahawk‘s Tonic Immobility and Crazy Horse and Neil Young‘s Zuma. I had a list of five CDs I was hoping to find but turned up nothing. When I got home, I found them all on eBay and Amazon. On the other hand, I did discover Killing Joke’s Malicious Damage, an album that includes some tracks I’m not used to seeing on their live albums, and Solti‘s Wagner‘s Götterdämmerung boxed set.

As soon as you feel safe enough, I encourage you to head out to your local music store and pick up some albums for yourself or someone as a gift. You or they deserve it, and your local music store needs your support.

Join us next week when our guest deejay will be John Shanahan, host of the Hypnagogue Podcast.

See you then!

  1. Innesti “Parenthetical Moments”
  2. In the Branches and Neglect “Stepping into the Past“
  3. echospace plays michael mantra “Sea Shell City (morning)”
  4. Eternell “cove (meditation)”
  5. Billow Observatory “Pankalia”
  6. Andrew Lahiff “This Side of Winter”

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Today’s guest deejay is Michał Milczarek.

Michał is based in Warsaw, Poland, and is an ambient electroacoustic artist that explores multimedia, sound art, and ambient genre through guitar soundscapes, field recordings, and samples. He is a conceptual leader of MM3, who creates 360° concepts of composing music, sound design, audio production, visual arts, and live performances. Michał is also a member of NUDA, a polish modern jazz/avantgarde band. Michał is currently working on different multimedia concepts and audio-visual works connecting the language of music and social commitment.

Michał is yet another musician I discovered on one of my deep dives on Bandcamp. I don’t have anything else to say about Bandcamp that I haven’t said here already. If you haven’t used Bandcamp’s service, please do. They do great work, and they make sure that the artists and music labels receive a high percentage of the money they make through selling music. You can buy the music you love and know that the musicians are fairly compensated for their work.

Michał’s mix for today’s show is a surprise. I suppose all the mixes on SOUNDWAVE are surprised. What I mean is that I invite people I respect to guest deejay on the show and give them the parameters that their mix focus on ambient, classical, experimental, and instrumental music. How they choose to interpret that is up to the guest deejay.

Therein lies what I think the charm of the show is. What music do these talented musicians love and want to share with us? It would be a mistake to believe that the guest deejays would select tracks like their own music, yet I make this mistake again and again.

Take Michał’s opening track, “When the World Ended.” It’s a beautiful piece of poetry that serves as a kind of a mission statement for today’s mix. At least, that how it seemed to me. There’s nothing in Michał’s own music that prepared me for it. Nor did I expect Radiohead’s Thom Yorke to make an appearance Michał’s mix, yet here we are. Maybe I shouldn’t have been so surprised by Yorke’s appearance after hearing him on Robin Rimbaud’s mix from a few weeks ago. You’ll hear more from Yorke on upcoming mixes on SOUNDWAVE as well.

I know you will take as much delight in Michał’s mix as I did.

Before I get out of Dodge, I want to briefly share my experience of getting my first shot of the Moderna vaccine. I’ll get my second dose the first weekend of May, but I already feel invincible. I still have to take the same precautions of social distancing and wearing a mask, but the background anxiety of going out into the world has melted away. It’s remarkable how much my outlook has changed. I’ve gone from learning how to live with the pandemic on a day-to-day basis to the feeling we have this virus on the ropes and that we can soon go back to our lives.

That raises an important question: how much of our old lives do we want to go back to? The pandemic has been harrowing, but in some ways, it’s made changes in my life for the better and opened me up to possibilities. How has your life changed under the pandemic?

Join us next week when our guest deejay will be Innesti.


Michał Milczarek
Michał Milczarek

  1. Envee “When the World Ended”
  2. IDRA “Indivisibilité”
  3. KMRU “Solace”
  4. meeting by chance “Not Alone”
  5. Julianna Barwick “Safe”
  6. Palette “It’s The Little Things, Pt. I”
  7. Thom Yorke “Not the News”
  8. Michał Milczarek “#4”

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Today’s guest deejay is João Guimarães, AKA Emil Zapffe.

If you’ve been listening to SOUNDWAVE for the last few weeks, then it will come as no surprise that I discovered João on Bandcamp.

When SOUNDWAVE comes up in conversation with those unfamiliar with ambient music, I sometimes have to explain that not all ambient music is swathes of pretty sounds. Ambient can be haunting and discordant. Or, in João’s case, it’s grand in scope. If you want to experience it yourself, go to João’s Bandcamp page and play any of his songs with the volume cranked to 11. His music will shake your windows and vibrate dishes off your table. You’ve been warned.

But if you’re expecting that kind of experience on today’s show, then you’ll be just as surprised as I was. João’s mix covers quite the gamut. Yes, there is that big sound, but it’s also delicate, mournful, and lovely. It’s precisely the kind of mix I’d share with people I have to explain the depth and complexity ambient music offers.

Oh, and I also appreciate that João and I appreciate Peter Wessel Zapffe’s nihilist essay, “The Last Messiah” (listen to an excerpt from the essay on my October 2020 mix). I usually embrace Nietzche’s existential exuberance, but it’s easy to waffle and settle into existential dread, something Zapffe (Peter Wessel, not Emil) explores in his essay. As long as I don’t fall into Emil Cioran’s existential disgust, I guess I’m doing okay.

João has some words regarding his mix below.

Before I wrap this up, I feel the need to mention that it was this time last year that California went under lockdown. Like most people, I’ve gotten along with my life. I work from home, I rarely go out, and when I do, I wear a mask even when I don’t need to. Vaccinations for the entire U.S. are just around the corner. But a year ago, we were all white-knuckling it, and every day was filled with angst. I’m relieved that we’re about to turn the corner.

Join us next week when our guest deejay will be Rhucle.

See you then!


João Guimarães, AKA Emil Zapffe
João Guimarães, AKA Emil Zapffe

For this mixtape, I tried to make a selection of compositions that touched me this past year and permitted me to escape reality for a while. Our world outside changed, but our inner world changed too, with lots of questions about the nature of existence, the fabric of society, our strengths, and our deepest fears. Through these sounds, I could cope with reality and dream outside its claw, making my mind and spirit expand beyond self-imposed barriers. I hope the listeners can expand their senses and spirits, and for a while, inhabit their inner world, free of any form of limitation or weakness. In times of fear, all we have is our imagination.

Thanks to Joseph Aleo for this invitation, it’s an honor.

  1. Giulio Aldinucci “Phoenix”
  2. Emil Zapffe “Fragmented Anchors”
  3. SVLBRD “The Void”
  4. Mono Tape “Origin”
  5. Mount Shrine & Alphaxone “The Realms of Madmen”
  6. David Cordero “Tras la tormenta (feat. Carles Guajardo)”

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Today’s guest deejay is Boris Tyurin, AKA Out of Hell.

Out of Hell continues my exploration of musicians who mine the ores of ambient, classical, experimental, and instrumental on Bandcamp. It’s been a successful endeavor, and previous Bandcamp artists who have been guest deejays on SOUNDWAVE are Ishmael Cormack, Tim Six of ΠΑΝΘΕΟΝ Records, and Ivan Somov, AKA Notnotice.

I’ll be honest, what made me listen to Out of Hell’s was the influence of horror writer H.P. Lovecraft on his music.

It’s interesting because Lovecraft’s books are in the public domain Lovecraft permeates popular culture. In particular, his Cthulhu mythos. You can find Lovecraft’s tentacled Elder God in the form of crochet toys, tiki mugs, and pajamas. The sublime terror of Cthulhu has been diminished into a safe, consumer item. The only people who tap into the nihilistic horror of Cthulhu are comic book writer Alan Moore, role-playing game creators, and bands such as Rudimentary Peni and Skinny Puppy.

Not everything Out of Hell records is touched by the tentacles of Cthulhu, but the influence is there. Out of Hell explores the realm of dark ambient. His music can be just as delicate and pretty as a lot of ambient music, but it’s mysterious and often tinged with dream and anxiety. His mix is more than a selection of some of his best work. It’s an experience to be had.

Join us next week when our guest deejay will be Dani, founder of Kloob Music.

See you then!


Boris Tyurin, AKA Out of Hell
Boris Tyurin, AKA Out of Hell

  1. Out of Hell “The Dark”
  2. Ouy of Hell “Symphony in Moonlight and Nightmares”
  3. Out of Hell “The Temple”
  4. Out of Hell “The Whisperer in Darkness”
  5. Out of Hell “The Voice of the Night”
  6. Out of Hell “The Ruins”
  7. Out of Hell “Introspection”

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Happy Valentine’s Day!

Today’s guest deejay is Ivan Somov, AKA Notnotice.

While I stream music like everyone else, I’m also old fashioned and still purchase songs and albums. Bandcamp is my preferred vendor because they give the music labels and artists a generous share of the money generated from Bandcamp sales.

I spend an hour at least an hour a week exploring Bandcamp and listened to great music. If I came across someone I thought would be a good fit for SOUNDWAVE, I’d invite them to be a guest deejay. It’s a no-brainer, really, and we’ve heard great mixed from folks such as Tim Six, who runs ΠΑΝΘΕΟΝ Records with his wife, Mila, and Ishmael Cormack . Next week’s show will feature Out of Hell, and in the weeks to come our guest deejays will be Less Bells, Emil Zapffe, and Rhucle.

Ivan is yet another talented musician I discovered after searching Bandcamp for ambient, classical, experimental, and instrumental music to listen to. These are difficult genres. It’s easy to record music in those genres that are awful, hard to do mediocre, hard still to record something great, and a challenge to create something great. When I find something great, as I said, I am compelled to reach out to the artist and invite them to be a guest deejay on SOUNDWAVE. And that brings us to today’s show, which I’m listening to as I write this.

Ivan’s mix is going to take you on a journey. To me, that is the point of art. It’s not enough to craft a pretty or catching sound. Evoking emotion is one thing, but if the music can transport you to somewhere else and spur your imagination, that’s magic. And Ivan’s mix is magic and will be your soundscape for today’s sonic safari. The mix is the map. Your destination will be your own for you to discover.

Quick note: Ivan begins today’s mix with a track from Symphocat, a Russian musician and label owner. Tim Six also featured Symphocat on last week’s show. I’m taking that as a sign that I need to extend an invitation to guest deejay on the show.

Ivan has some words about Notice that he’d like to share with you below.

Join us next week when our guest deejay will be Out of Hell.

See you then!


Ivan Somov, AKA Notnotice
Ivan Somov, AKA Notnotice

Notnotice – a project created to implement the ambient and not only the mood of the author. Originally was written only dark ambient, but later decided not limited by the rigid framework, but at the same time, the music has not lost the original dark and cold, Notnotice tries to embody in their tracks the idea of loneliness and alienation.

  1. Symphocat “Svifa I Himininn”
  2. Forest Management “Fill In The Blank”
  3. unknown “Way number 3”
  4. Notnotice “Stockholm Syndrome”
  5. Acronym “Rails”
  6. очень длинный кот “v parallelnih mirah”
  7. Bad Sector & Tommaso Lisa “Untitled”
  8. kmerl “Constellation”
  9. Stanislav Tolkachev “Borderland”
  10. Canadian Rifles “1812”
  11. FH HF “Seconds Remain As Abstract Strokes”
  12. gacha bakradze “Broken Keyboard”
  13. Jeremiah M. Carter & Chelsea Bridges “White Rose Royale”
  14. Appropriate Savagery “Makeup & Ketamine, During a Quiet Evening”
  15. Christian Michael Filardo “Charm Syndicate”
  16. Concrete Fantasies “stealth2 (Agadez Magi)”
  17. Varg2™ “600 Lives To Become Nothing But A Memory (ft. Soho Rezanejad)”
  18. Cio D’Or “Triplet”
  19. EyeScream “(A)(ny)(thing)(ll)”

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Today’s guest deejay is Ishmael Cormack.

To date, nearly all the guest deejays on SOUNDWAVE are people I have relationships with or introduced to me through the guest deejays. Ishmael is different.

These days I purchase nearly all my music on Bandcamp. Yes, I said purchase. I’m old fashioned that way. Oh, I do more than my fair share of streaming, but if I find music I genuinely love, I’m happy to spend money on it. Bandcamp is my favorite platform to purchase music because the artists and labels are treated fairly, and they receive a higher percentage of money from sales than most other platforms. So I’m on Bandcamp a lot. And because of SOUNDWAVE, I tend to peruse releases from ambient, classical, experimental, and instrumental musicians.

If you enjoy music from any of those genres, you know from experience that most of it are dreck. The music tends to be bland or outright terrible. It isn’t easy to compose music in those genres that’s engaging and take you on an emotional journey. It’s refreshing to find musicians who do it well, and Ishmael is one of those artists.

I’m not a musician myself, so it’s difficult for me not to fall into clichés to describe Ishmael’s music using words like delicate, pretty, or sonorous. I’m reminded of an interview I once heard with Ben Frost where he complained of this very thing. I believe he said something to the effect that sommeliers have many metaphors to describe wines’ taste, but we lack the same when talking about music.

It’s almost a shame, then, that today’s mix from Ishmael does not feature his music. Almost, because Ishmael has lovingly selected tracks that are, sigh, delicate, pretty, and sonorous, but it’s true. It’s a wonderful mix.

If you enjoy today’s show, and I have no doubt you will, then support the artists by following my example and purchasing their music. And while you’re at it, listen to Ishmael’s releases on Bandcamp, and if you hear something like it, show him your appreciation by spending some money on his music.

Join us next week when our guest deejay will be Tim Six, founder of ΠΑΝΘΕΟΝ Records.

See you then!

Ishmael Cormack
Ishmael Cormack

  1. Andrew Chalk “The Flood”
  2. Taylor Deupree & Marcus Fischer “On Branches”
  3. Richard Ginns “Faded From The Winter”
  4. Tom Scott “Ribbon Glass”
  5. Jens Pauly “Licht”
  6. Cyril Secq “Huitiéme Branche”
  7. Morimoto Naoki “Nod”
  8. Suda Norihito “The Weather Of The Day Was To Calm Almost As If Nothing Had Happened”
  9. Melissa Pons “Screeching Dawn”
  10. Jodi Cave “For Sine And Breath Tones”
  11. Federico Durand “IIu Wouter”
  12. Van Veldhoven “First Lullaby”

Subscribe to SOUNDWAVE on iTunes, Overcast, Castro and Pocketcasts.

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Today’s guest deejay is Nik Davies. You most likely know her as Applefish.

Even before launching SOUNDWAVE I listened to a lot of ambient, classical, experimental and instrumental music. But as you can imagine, I listen to even more music from those genres these days. After perusing Bandcamp and listening to playlists on Spotify certain musicians turned up again and again. And for good reason, their music was singular and provocative. Applefish is one of those artists and I approached her to do a mix for SOUNDWAVE which we’ll listen to today.

2020 was a hard year for all of us. There was so much fear and uncertainty. Confronting your mortality on a daily basis is exhausting.

SOUNDWAVE was my way of coping with the stress and isolation of COVID-19. Pop music, movies, tv and books did not speak to the truth of the new reality I found myself in. The only thing I could focus on and gave me some relief was ambient, classical, experimental and instrumental. Because there are no vocals I could project whatever meaning I needed to on songs form those genres or a song would resonate with me. If I was finding solace in this music than surely others needed to hear it as well, and so I launched this show to share that music.

Almost immediately I decided to invite musicians, music label owners, journalists, etc to guest deejay on SOUNDWAVE. I started with people I knew and then asked the guest deejays who they thought would be interested in sharing a mix on the show. I’ve met so many amazing people and heard some mind blowing mixes.

I have some great shows in store for you in 2021! That said, I’m hoping this time next year nearly everyone will have been vaccinated and COVID-19 will be no more of a threat than any of the viruses we vaccinate for. And on that day I will retire SOUNDWAVE, content that it serviced its purpose.

Nik Davies
Nik Davies AKA Applefish

Until then, today’s mix by Nik is the perfect way to wind down 2020. It’s quiet and it’s beautiful. Nik’s mix is like a blanket you wrap yourself in to keep yourself warm in a sometimes cold and harsh would. It’s also an expansive mix that makes me optimistic. And that’s a fine way to end 2020

Join us next week (and net year) when our guest deejay will be Fitz Gitler.

See you then!

  1. Applefish “Andromeda”
  2. Good Weather For An Airstrike “Thaw”
  3. Aphex Twin “#3”
  4. Lauge “Pine Trees Covered in Fog”
  5. Lauge & Matt Tondut “Above the Clouds”
  6. Crows Labyrinth “Our Last Dream (Single Version)”
  7. Applefish “Astrosat”
  8. Biosphere “Poa Alpina”
  9. Applefish“Return to the Trubutaries”
  10. Good Weather For An Airstrike “The Depths Between Us”
  11. Spacecraft “Zodiacal Light”

Subscribe to SOUNDWAVE on iTunes, Overcast, Castro and Pocketcasts.

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Today’s SOUNDWAVE features a mix of select tracks from Paleowolf!

I’ve been sitting on a handful of mixes since I invited guest deejays on SOUNDWAVE. If they were going to be generous with their time and efforts to send me a mix then I could be patient and release my own mixes on a later date. And at long last I can finally share with you today’s mix of select tracks from Paleowolf.

I got turned on to Paleowolf when Warren Ellis raved about Paleowolf’s album, Megafauna Rituals. I’ve been waiting for an album like Megafauna Rituals for decades since listening to Brian Eno’s Ambient 4: On Land album. Yes, yes, I know that album is an imaginary soundscape the captures the essence of Eno’s England but I didn’t know that when I first heard it. To me On Land was more of a touchstone to our Paleolithic past.

Speaking of the Paleolithic, Paleowolf’s music is the soundtrack to a lot of Ice Age role playing games such as Würm, Paleomythic and my own homebrew game based on the Strain rule set. You might want to incorporate it into your own game if that’s your bag.

Paleowolf's new album, Primordial II
Paleowolf’s new album, Primordial II

Scorpio V is the man behind Paleowolf and I was hoping to have him on the show to be a guest deejay but the guy is busy. After looking at all his releases and side projects I don’t think the poor bastard has time to eat or sleep. In fact, as I write this his latest album, Primordial II, will be released November 16. Maybe after this album I can get him to guest deejay on SOUNDWAVE.

If you dig today’s show you’ll want to check out Scorpio VI’s other projects such as Orkforge, Metatron Omega and Forest of Yore.

Ana Roxanne's new album, Because of a Flower
Ana Roxanne’s new album, Because of a Flower

Before I head out, I want to turn you on to Ana Roxanne’s new album, Because of a Flower. I’ve been a fan of Ana’s music since her 2020 album, ~~~, so much so that I featured her track, “It’s a Rainy Day On The Cosmic Shore,” on the first edition of SOUNDWAVE.

Join us next week when our guest deejay will be offthesky.

  1. Paleowolf “Thundertribe”
  2. Paleowolf “Hunter”
  3. Paleowolf “Hunter II”
  4. Paleowolf “Sabertooth”
  5. Paleowolf “Eos”
  6. Paleowolf “Héḱmō (Stone)”
  7. Paleowolf “Unjo”

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Today on SOUNDWAVE our guest deejay is n5MD recording artist, Daniel McCagh. I’ll talk about Daniel’s mix shortly but first let me tell you about the election that just took place in the U.S.

As I write this Joe Biden has been declared the president-elect of the United States. The vice president-elect is Kamala Harris is the first Indian-American, the first African-American, and the first female vice president in U.S. history. It is so long overdue that someone like Harris becomes a vice president that it took a while for me to recognize the significance of this accomplishment. This should have been the norm a very long time ago. Of course a woman should be a vice president. Of course a woman of color should be vice president. There shouldn’t be anything remarkable about this at all. But here we are at long last.

Here in San Diego the mood is ebullient. There are motorcades, the honking of horns and cheering. You can feel the difference; the joy and the relief. After four years of mendacity, racism, cruelty and incompetence we are ready for a change.

SOUNDWAVE was created as a coping mechanism to the isolation and stress of COVID-19. President Trump and his administration bungled the management of the crisis of COVID-19 so badly that they contributed to the spread of the virus. So badly, in fact, that the Trump administration effectively gave up. I can only hope that Biden’s administration will reign in the virus and accelerate a cure. As Americans we need to get back to our lives and loved ones and we need an economy that will work for everyone.

I’m not naive. I know this presidency will disappoint and outrage me as all other presidencies have in the past. But at least it will be a normal disappointment and outrage and not that nauseating horror show I’ve had to endure for the last four years.

Let’s take a break from politics.

Planet Boelex's new album, Connect
Planet Boelex’s new album, Connect

Planet Boelex is a previous guest deejay on SOUNDWAVE and he has just released and new album called Connect. It’s about as beautiful as you’d expect and you can find it on Bandcamp for the very affordable price of $7.

Want more of Planet Boelex? You can listen to his mix for SOUNDWAVE here or listen to his live set for solipsistic NATION here.

Daniel McCagh
Daniel McCagh

Okay, let’s talk about our guest deejay, Daniel McCagh.

Daniel describes his mix as a collection of some favourite tunes both beautiful and sometimes uncomfortable for deep and immersive listening. It’s the kind of soundscape that’s perfect for the rare rainy day we’re having this weekend in San Diego. After you are done listening to Daniel’s mix you will know that you have just experienced something profound and that you will need time to process it.

Daniel’s mix comes to us by way of Mike Cadoo, the founder of n5MD. I interviewed Mike and featured music from his label on solipsistic NATION some years ago. When I launched SOUNDWAVE I reached out to Mike to do a mix for a show. Mike was busy at the time but suggested that Daniel put together a mix for SOUNDWAVE. Great idea, Mike. Oh, and I still want you to do a mix of your own when time permits.

Daniel McCagh is an electronic music producer and sound artist currently residing in Melbourne, Australia. Daniel uses acoustic instruments and digital manipulation to create powerful emotive and cinematic music. Daniel is also the sole composer and sound designer behind Gutterbox Audio, having composed music and designed sound for global companies such as Polestar, Huawei, Acura and Volkswagen.

You’re in good hands. Enjoy today’s mix!

Join us next week when we’ll listen to a mix featuring Cryo Chamber recording artist Paleowolf.

See you then!

  1. Proem “As They Go”
  2. Roly Porter “Known Space”
  3. Abul Mogard “Flooding Tide”
  4. Yair Elazar Glotman & Mats Erlandsson “Procession”
  5. Deru “Undertow”
  6. Martin Stig Andersen “City”
  7. Tim Hecker “In The Fog”

Subscribe to SOUNDWAVE on iTunes, Overcast, Castro and Pocketcasts.

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