Jason was on the list of people I wanted to interview for solipsistic NATION after being introduced to his music through Bluetech’s Somnia music label and featuring Jason’s music on my show (here and here).
Ambient and instrumental music that leans towards the ambient tends to sound indistinguishable. It’s difficult to have a unique sound and in fact that is the point for many artists who create music in this genre. But this is not the case with Jason, His music is very organic. Burnished, you might say. It feel’s worn-in, like a jacket you’ve owned for decades. Jasons music is very much his own and instantly recognizable.
I know you’re going to love this mix. I know I certainly have. I had the pleasure of listening to it again today as we were driving out of Palm Springs. It’s not an environment I thought would be conducive to this mix but it fit right in there.
Imperial Valley
Before I get out of Dodge I wanted to tell you about a release from one of my favorite music labels, the Other Forms of Consecrated Life that came out earlier last week. It’s a self-titled LP by Imperial Valley and I purchased it without even listening to the preview tracks. Other Forms of Consecrated Life releases music only of the highest quality so I did not hesitate to buy the album. I was not disappointed. I love the album and have listened to it easily a half dozen times already. It represents everything I love about the label: it’s haunting and minimal but deceptively rich and layered. Give the album a listen and while you’re at it, listen to Other Forms of Consecrated Life’s mix for SOUNDWAVE.
Join us again next week when our guest deejay will be Melorman.
When I launched SOUNDWAVE I didn’t have a plan for the show beyond being a coping mechanism for COVID-19. The first could of weeks under the safe at home lockdown I was white-knuckling it every day. We’re we going to enter a Great Depression? A lot of the shelves in the supermarket were bare. When I used the keypad to pay for my groceries there was an undercurrent of anxiety. Would touching it might end up killing me? I’m sure you experienced your own version.
It became clear one of the few things that was providing solace was the ambient, classical, experimental and instrumental music I was listening to. I reasoned that if the music was listening to was giving me some relief then other folks might as well. And producing a monthly show would also provide a welcome distraction from my fears.
That was it. That was the plan.
But I quickly decided to update SOUNDWAVE’s schedule to a weekly basis for as long as the safe at home orders were in place. Almost immediately afterwards I began inviting guest deejays to contribute mixes to the show.
I did not anticipate was everyone’s generosity. Nearly everyone I asked to sent me a mix and as I write this I have shows scheduled to September. I’m tempted to release all the shows all at once à la Netflix so you can listen to the mixes à la carte. It feels criminal to have all this wonderful music to myself only to dole it out to you once a week.
When I made the decision to invite guest deejays to share their mixes I reached out to people I knew from my electronic music podcast, solipsistic NATION. One person I contacted was David Newman, founder of Audiobulb Records. I never had the opportunity to have David on the show but I was hoping to have him contribute a mix to SOUNDWAVE. David wasn’t able to participate but he did introduce me to Gert De Meester of Distant Fires Burning and Kirk Markarian of Neuro… No Neuro.
Kirk is our guest deejay today. I knew the show was in good hands when I listened to Kirk’s Electronic Frequencies, an excellent program on Concertzender Radio in Utrecht, that features ambient and experimental composers. More great music for us to enjoy!
Before Kirk talks about his mix I encourage you to purchase one or more of the songs you enjoyed on today’s show. The artists pour their hearts into each track. Your purchase of songs or albums helps them continue working on their craft but also puts food on their tables and a roof over their heads.
See you next Sunday. Our guest deejay is Planet Boelex!
Kirk Markarian
This mix begins with a track by NOEL-KIT – “Summertime” – from their album, Tokyo Noise. Sounds pan about the audio field, growing, fading; bursting from underneath NOEL-KIT’s enthusiastic interpretation of the season.
Following this, we move into “Edall” by Autistici from their album Beneath Peaks. Almost like breathing, the track pulls one in and cycles to and fro until the cycle speeds up, and becomes off-kilter, shifting the listener into a gentle, calm, yet shiny future.
From there, out of the soothing wash, we have a longer track by the artist Distant Fires Burning – “Science Stops…” – from their album Build on Me. Starting with a beautiful electric keyboard sound that echos softly into the distance, the track blends into a harmonic freeze that shifts the listener into a hazy field.
From there, a soft segue into Wil Bolton’s long play “Woven Geometry” from their album Viridian Loops begins. Field recordings exist throughout the entire track while beautiful synthetics pulsate fade in and out around the beautiful padding underneath the entire piece.
For the final track, we fade into an uplifting rhythmic piece by mg&mw – “Seagulls” – off their album All Steamed Up. Analog synths, harmonica, bass, and electric percussion all blend into a very catchy tune that places the listener directly into a moment.