SOUNDWAVE : 157 : zakè

SOUNDWAVE : 157 : zaké

Today’s guest deejay is Zach Frizzell, AKA zakè.

I was introduced to zakè’s captivating music by the talented Luke Entelis (listen to Luke’s mix four Soundwave here), and I’m excited to share his unique sonic tapestries with you.

Zach is the stateside label boss of the Past Inside the Present record label. Zach is also a multi-talented musician, composer, and sound artist. With a deep passion for exploring the intersection of sound and emotion, zakè weaves intricate sonic landscapes that transport listeners to ethereal realms. His musical journey began at a young age, as he discovered his love for experimenting with various instruments and sound manipulation techniques.


Zach Frizzell, AKA zakè
Zach Frizzell, AKA zakè

The songs in this collection share a common thread of introspection, contemplation, and a sense of profound emotional depth. Each composition invites the listener into a world of deep reflection, where silence and subtle nuances create powerful moments of introspection. Zach’s mix has been my companion during grey mornings. With my cup of coffee in hand, his music eases me into my work day, infusing even the most mundane tasks with intrigue.

Join us next week when our guest deejay will be Tim Dwyer.

See you then.

  1. T.R. Jordan “Unsaid”
  2. Pausal “Truth Symbol – False Idolatry”
  3. Dustin O’Halloran “Quartet N.2”
  4. Arvo Pärt “Cantus in Memory of Benjamin Britten”
  5. Eluvium “Indoor Swimming at the Space Station”
  6. willamette “Buried Presidents”
  7. William Basinski “Melancholia II”
  8. Rafael Anton Irisarri “Watching As She Reels”
  9. Stars of the Lid “Even If You’re Never Awake”

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Today’s guest deejay is Joseph Kamaru, AKA KMRU.

Having Joseph on the show is a bit of synchronicity. I became aware of Joseph’s music a few years ago while searching for music on Bandcamp. What immediately struck me was the sense of intimacy I experienced while listening to his music. Yes, I’m aware that the genres Joseph expresses himself through lend themselves to that kind of feeling. And I’m also aware that this is a complete projection, but I got the sense that a movement of thoughts and emotions conveyed in his music.


Joseph Kamaru, AKA KMRU
Joseph Kamaru, AKA KMRU

Shortly after conning across Joseph, guest deejays on Soundwave began including tracks from his album in their mixes. So, of course, I reached out to him to share select tracks on the show.

Joseph’s mix, like his releases, has that sense of interplay between thoughts and emotions. And, perhaps, sympathetically, Joseph’s mix stirred up thoughts and feelings in me, which is the whole point.

Join sun next week when our guest deejay will be protoU.

See you then.

  1. Tenka “Nutrition ~ Microorganisms In The Darkness Of Life ~”
  2. Gylden “Bug light”
  3. Emily A. Sprague “Water Memory 2”
  4. Félicia Atkinson “Our Tides”
  5. Julia Reidy “World in World”
  6. anthéne “Cedar Point II”
  7. Emilía “Layover II”
  8. naemi “rast”
  9. LB Marszalek “Sorrow”
  10. Hiroki Takahashi “Seed”
  11. Belong “Vowel (Digital Bonus)”

Subscribe to SOUNDWAVE on iTunes, Overcast, Castro and Pocketcasts.

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Today’s guest deejay is Mike Cadoo, the founder of n5MD, an independent record label based out of Oakland, California, that focuses on ambient, modern composition, post-rock, and experimental electronic music.

I showcased n5MD on solipsistic NATION some years ago. Let me share what I said about n5MD on that episode of solipsistic NATION, which explains why I invited Mike to be our guest deejay on today’s show.

“What I’ve always found so charming is that the releases on n5MD don’t just provide music that establishes a mood. The releases on n5MD take you on an emotional journey, which I find far more compelling and interesting. Anyone can play a chord in E minor that will evoke an emotional response. Still, it’s much more difficult to build an emotionally complex song and takes you places in your imagination. Let me take that back. There are plenty of people who can do that, there are a just few people who do it well and do it with sincerity, and I think that’s what n5MD is all about.”

Mike’s mix for today’s show captures everything I just said about his label. Mike is going to take you by the hand and gently guide you through an emotional journey.

Mike explained that while waiting for the Near The Parenthesis vinyl to arrive, he made an ambient mix that features no n5MD artists. Mike usually does one of these each year, and I’m thankful he shared it with us.

As I’ve mentioned many times before, I launched SOUNDWAVE to cope with the stress and isolation brought about by COVID-19. I did not expect how much I would need SOUNDWAVE, and Mike’s mix, in particular, to provide the solace I need during our nation’s attempted coup. I suspect I will need it more in the next few weeks, if not the next few months and years.

On that sad note…

Join us next week when our guest deejay will be Steve Swartz.

See you then!

  1. dj healer “Protectionspell”
  2. Stars of the Lid “Mullholland”
  3. Jon Hopkins featuring King Creosote “Immunity”
  4. Neil Cowley & Ben Lukas Boysen “A Grain of Truth”
  5. The Ideal Setback “Whittle”
  6. Black Swan “Slow Oblivion, Part I”
  7. Chronovalve “Something to Hope For”
  8. Holy Fawn “Tethered”
  9. loscil “Neve”
  10. Nils Frahm “A Shine”
  11. ILUITEQ “Moon Disconnected”
  12. KMRU “degree of change”
  13. r beny “Golden Larch Emerging fin Spring”
  14. Julianna Barwick “Same”
  15. KMRU “Whir”
  16. Carlos Ferreira “Epilogue”
  17. Sea Oleena “Portugal (A Lift)”
  18. bvdub “I Would Have Waited”

Subscribe to SOUNDWAVE on iTunes, Overcast, Castro and Pocketcasts.

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