Today’s guest deejay is Tim McManus, the had honcho of Island House Recordings, a little label based on a little island in the East river, Roosevelt Island, NYC.

How did I cross paths with Tim, you ask? Oh, the usual circuitous route.

A few years back, Stefan Beck, who moonlights as Golden Brown, took over the turntables on Soundwave (you can check out Stefan’s mix here). I asked him who might be keen to share a mix on an upcoming show, and without missing a beat, he recommended Tim. Stefan said he curious to hear what Tim put together. After doing a deep dive into Tim’s label, I was curious, too.

Tim did not disappoint. He kicked off his set with a track from The The — talk about a curveball. That unexpected twist set the tone for the entire mix. From there, Tim kept the surprises coming, weaving through tracks from Gastr De Sol (I’m a longtime David Grubbs fan) to Nimbudala. You’re in for a treat!

Naturally, I’m already primed to ask Tim who he thinks should helm the decks on Soundwave next.

Join us next week when our guest deejay will be Broken Chip.

See you then.

  1. The The “Red Cinders in the Sand”
  2. Seawind of Battery “Clockwatching”
  3. Hipwell “Big Eternal Beautiful”
  4. Nick Millevoi “Moon Pulses 4”
  5. Gastr De Sol “The Seasons Reverse Live”
  6. Pat Keen “Dance with Wheeler”
  7. The Modern Folk “Guitar Mist”
  8. Gerycz Powers Rolin “Activator”
  9. Sage Martens “The North American Bison”
  10. Nimbudala “Peace Rock II”

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