Today’s guest deejay is Civilistjävel!
The good folks at Igloo Magazine turned me on to Civilistjävel! When they reviewed his latest album, Järnnätter. I was so taken with the album that I immediately extended an invitation to Civilistjävel! To share a mix with us. And what a mix it is!

I’ve been hosting Soundwave since the pandemic began, and I’m constantly astonished at the music and artists our guest deejays introduce me to. I’m well traveled in ambient and experimental music, but I’m unfamiliar with nearly all the work featured in Civilistjävel!’s mix. If you’re like me, you’ll spend the next few weeks going down the rabbit hole inspired by his mix. Oh, and Civilistjävel!’s mix. If you’re like me, you’ll spend the next few weeks going down the rabbi ends today’s show with a track by The William Fairey Brass Band, a person favorite of mine.
Join us next week when our guest deejay will be Mark Van Hoen.
See you then.
- Twice A Man “Forest”
- Wrecked Lightship “Eon”
- DJ Narciso “10 Minutos”
- SPK “The Last Night of Tibet”
- Spooky “Aphonia”
- Giacinto Scelsi “String Trio 1 – Movement 1”
- Gaia Tones”808”
- Soisong “Kabuki-Chop”
- Thomas Leer & Robert Rental “The Hard Way In and the Easy Way Out”
- Gazelle Twin “Sweet Dream”
- Jordi Savall & Hesperion XXI “Tonada de El Chimo”
- Clarissa Connelly “Wee Rosebud”
- Michael Levy “Hurrian Hymn”
- Barry Schrader “The Mystery Rites of Purification”
- Werkbund “Neuer Rungholter Tanz 8”
- The William Fairey Brass Band “Voodoo Ray”
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