solipsistic NATION No. 82: Amon Tobin

Electronic musicians often choose to be anonymous. That is to say, they present themselves persona free in opposition to rock bands like Fall Out Boy, who are slickly marketed and have a tailor made image to consumers who frequent stores like Hot Topic. And let’s be honest, a lot of electronic music is pretty generic. It sounds like it could have been made by anyone.

And then there are artists like Amon Tobin who creates music that is so distinct and unique that his sound is as identifiable as his finger prints. It’s like listening to ‘Trane; one you hear him blow his sax, it gets etched into your brain and from then on, you will always be able to pick out a Coltrane tune in a crowded and noisy bar.

Amon first hit the scene as Cujo with his 1996 release, Adventures in Foam. Amon was definitely influenced by drum and bass be he stood out, even then. Foam was laced wild horns, jazz drum breaks, Latin rhythms and a touch of exotica. Whatever the hell it was, it was great!

Amon quickly followed Foam with Bricolage, Permutation and Supermodified and took those themes further and further and as he went along his music got weirder and heavier. By Out from Out Where Tobin had become a full fledged soundsmith, tweaking and twisting his samples well beyond their source material. Foley Room found Amon sampling field recordings of lions, motorcycles and wasps rather than vinyl dug from crates and transforming it all into something utterly recognizable as being Amon Tobin.

On solipsistic NATION I play the best of all genres of electronic music. I’m not kidding around. I really mean it. Amon is the very best at what he does and I’m pleased that he has joined me on today’s show for a retrospective of his musical career so far.

I hope you enjoy the ride!

Photo Credit: Bruno Bollaert

  1. Amon Tobin “Creatures”
  2. Interview with Amon Tobin
  3. Cujo “The Sequel”
  4. Interview with Amon Tobin
  5. Amon Tobin “One Day In My Garden”
  6. Interview with Amon Tobin
  7. Amon Tobin “Bridge”
  8. Interview with Amon Tobin
  9. Amon Tobin “Nightlife”
  10. Interview with Amon Tobin
  11. Amon Tobin “Four Ton Mantis”
  12. Interview with Amon Tobin
  13. Amon Tobin “Chocolate Lovely”
  14. Interview with Amon Tobin
  15. Amon Tobin “Hey Blondie”
  16. Interview with Amon Tobin
  17. Amon Tobin “Back From Space”
  18. Interview with Amon Tobin
  19. Amon Tobin “Ruthless”
  20. Interview with Amon Tobin
  21. Amon Tobin “Esther’s”
  22. Interview with Amon Tobin
  23. Amon Tobin “Keep Your Distance”
  24. Interview with Amon Tobin