solipsistic NATION No. 76: Lovespirals

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and some of you might be thinking to yourself that the whole thing is just an excuse to sell cards, chocolate, roses and jewelry, or that it’s a way to get couples to spend a lot of money in expensive restaurants. You might also think that we don’t need holidays like Valentine’s Day, that each day we should cherish the people we love and tell them how we feel about them.

All of that is true. But if you’re one of those cynical people I ask you to consider this: life goes by pretty fast and it’s easy to get caught up in our day to day existence. It’s all too easy to let the days turn into weeks and the weeks into months and forget to take the time to express our love to that certain special someone.

I think holidays like Valentine’s Day serve as a touch stone to remind us to appreciate the one’s we love and declare how much we love and cherish them. Things like chocolate and roses can be a sweet way to symbolize our affections. But they aren’t absolutely necessary. Sometimes music can be the expression of our feelings.

Which brings us to today’s show.

Our guests for this week’s solipsistic NATION are Ryan Lum and Anji Bee from Lovespirals and together I hope we’ll put you in a romantic state of mind for Valentine’s Day.

Granted, not all the music of Lovespirals is about the joys of love. There are songs about heart break and more but on the whole, their music is often romantic and sensual, even when the music is at it’s darkest.

By the way, if you’re a musician then you’ll want to enter the Lovespirals Remix Contest. The contest will allow you the opportunity to remix Lovespirals’ new single “This Truth.” The best remix wins some great prizes and the opportunity to be included on an upcoming Lovespirals remix digital EP and remix collection CD.

  1. Lovespirals “Beatitude”
  2. Interview with Anji Bee and Ryan Lum of Lovespirals
  3. Lovespirals “Motherless Child (Chris Caulder Remix)”
  4. Interview with Anji Bee and Ryan Lum of Lovespirals
  5. Bitstream Dream “Love Me Leave Me”
  6. Interview with Anji Bee and Ryan Lum of Lovespirals
  7. Lovespirals “Deep in My Soul”
  8. Interview with Anji Bee and Ryan Lum of Lovespirals
  9. Plastic Chair “Requiem”
  10. Interview with Anji Bee and Ryan Lum of Lovespirals
  11. Lovespirals “Trouble”
  12. Interview with Anji Bee and Ryan Lum of Lovespirals
  13. Lovespirals “Walk Away (Bitstream Dream Remix)”
  14. Interview with Anji Bee and Ryan Lum of Lovespirals
  15. Promo: Fallen Nation