solipsistic NATION No. 288: Robot Elephant Records

For all my talk of my mission to present to you the very best of all genres of electronic music I am still a sucker for a label with a cool name. A cool name raises an eyebrow, makes me curious. To be sure, the label’s music better be good or I’m go on my way in short order. There’s got to be something to back up a cool name.

Take Robot Elephant Records.

A few months back I was perusing electronic music blogs on Flipboard or Zite or some app like them and came across a post about a label called Robot Elephant Records. Cool name, I thought. And what would a robot elephant look like? I imagined a Mechagodizilla like beast. I had to know more.

The blog post praised their Robot Elephant Records so I moseyed over to their website and listened to the tracks they were streaming online and I really, really dug what I heard. So much so that I invited Sebastian Weikart and Anthony Chalmers, the founders of Robot Elephant Records, to come on the show and play some of their releases and chat about their label.

You’re going to love the mix they’ve prepared for us and I think you’ll agree, Robot Elephant Records unequivocally live up to their cool name!

This interview was actually supposed to go out last month but as I mentioned last week, I’ve been working a lot of hours to meet a deadline for a very big project at my job. I love producing solipsistic NATION and having guests on the show and I love that you tune in, but it’s unavoidable that I’m going to miss a show from time to time.

Join us again next week. I’m still catching up from being off a couple of weeks so while I’ve got some things in the hopper I’m not quite sure what I’ll use first. Rest easy, you’re in good hands. It’ll be good.

Okay, I’m out of here. Enjoy today’s show!

  1. Dead Fader “Industrial Funk Stains”
  2. Interview with Sebastian Weikart and Anthony Chalmers, founders of Robot Elephant Records
  3. Os Ovni “A Lil’ In The Moon”
  4. Os Ovni “Holographic Dreams”
  5. Blue on Blue “Night Terrors”
  6. Funerals “Water over Night”
  7. Ourobonic Plague “The Outer Alphabet”
  8. Dead Fader feat. Sensational “fishsh”
  9. Fostercare “City of Gods”
  10. Martin Galway “Arkanoid”
  11. Ben Daglish “Trap”
  12. Ritualz “III”
  13. Party Trash “Sky Clad”
  14. Husband “Love Song”
  15. Fostercare “Future Tribes”
  16. Dead Fader “Das Hamster”
  17. The Church of Synth “Der Fall von Leviathan”