solipsistic NATION No. 218: Masmöd & Solipsism, Live

Whoa, today’s show is really, really late. I feel bad about that. On the other hand, this is a podcast so you’re listening to this show on your schedule. Still, there’s something to be said about hearing a show just as it’s released. Anyway, today’s show is a worth waiting for because I have not one, but two, live sets from two great musicians: Masmöd and Solipsism!

I’ll let you in on a secret. Today’s show had a one year gestation period.

I usually have six to 12 months of live sets waiting in a queue (it’s a little anal retentive but I prefer to have those live sets on hand than having to scramble each month to find the next live set). One of the live sets was from Masmöd that he recorded at the Someday Lounge in Portland, Oregon that he had sent me some time ago. I really like the Portland music scene and I really like Masmöd’s music (I’m also a fan of Nueva Forma, a label and collective he co-founded) but his set clocked in just over 30 minutes and solipsistic NATION is an hour long show. Usually in these situations I pair of shorter live sets with other shorter live sets. I had a couple but they just didn’t fit with Masmöd’s music until last month Solipsism sent me his live set recorded at Nice n Sleazy in Glasgow. Solipsism is another musician I really like and I’ve been digging his It Could Be Clouds album (I also really like Solipsism’s label, Herb Recordings) so I’m thrilled to be able to present to you their live sets.

Told you today’s show was worth waiting for.

Oh, and my queue is now empty as of today’s show. I’ve sent out some feelers so we’ll just have to see what next months live show will feature. Hopefully it will be on time!

  1. Masmöd “Live, Someday Lounge (PDX)”
  2. Interview with Masmöd
  3. Solipsism “Live, Nice n Sleazy (Oct. 10th 2010)”
  4. Interview with Solipsism