solipsistic NATION No. 215: Dub Gabriel, Live

solipsistic NATION broadcasts and podcasts on KYOURadio, Mevio and Alterati and once a month on solipsistic NATION I feature a recording of a live performance. Recent guests have included Enduser and DJ Spooky. Today our guest is Dub Gabriel and the show was recorded last February in Beijing.

Gabriel’s music is inventive and fun and has just that right mix of aggro and sonic grit that I dig but how would that play in Beijing, I wondered. Very well, from what Gabriel tells me. And on a boat, no less!

I’ve been a fan of Dub Gabriel’s music since he first came on my radar, no doubt through XLR8R. My ears definitely perked up and when I heard his tunes and I’ve been following his career ever since. Gabriel has been a producer, DJ and multi-instrumentalist for over a decade and is one of only three artists in the world endorsed by Akai for their APC40 controller (the other two being Trent Reznor and Pete Townshend). It took a few years but I’m glad I to have him as a guest on today’s show!

Join us again next week when our guest will be Moreno, one of the co-founders of Bakshish Music.

  1. Dub Gabriel “Live in Beijing (Boat Club 2/19/10)”
  2. Interview with Dub Gabriel