solipsistic NATION No. 248: Excursions in Ambience

Today’s show is very special for me and I imagine it will be a very special show for a lot of people, because today we’ll be talking with Brian Long and showcasing music from the Excursions in Ambience compilation album series.

Back in the early 1990s when I was first falling deeply in love with electronic music, Caroline Distribution released Excursions in Ambience, which captured my imagination and expanded my horizons of what electronic music, and ambient music, could be.

Excursions in Ambience turned out to be an incredibly successful album, and was quickly followed up with Excursions in Ambience: The Second Orbit, The Third Dimension and ended, sadly, with The Fourth Frontier.

Brian was the AR & Project Manager for Caroline Distribution back in the early 90s and was the man responsible for releasing the Excursions In Ambience series as well as being instrumental in the launch of Astralwerks. Astralwerks is owned by Virgin Records/EMI and distributed by Caroline Distribution in the US and continues to release amazing electronic music.

Brian currently runs Yes Know Management and represents artists such as The Juan McLean and VHS or Beta. Brian also hosts the Infinite Eargasm show on East Village Radio every Thursday from 2PM – 4PM EST.

The Excursions in Ambience albums are no longer being pressed and are not available as digital downloads. You can still find used versions of those albums, however, and I’ve included links below where you can find them on Amazon for a fair price. You can always give sites like eBay a try. too.

If you enjoyed todays’ show, and really, how could you not, then you’ll probably dig last month’s show featuring Waveform Records. I’m going to continue the theme next month with an interview with Silent RecordsKim Cascone and play select tracks from his From Here to Tranquility compilation albums.

A special thanks goes out to all of you who expressed their concern and sympathies for my grandfather’s failing health. The last two weeks have been an emotional roller coaster for me and I’m grateful I was able to say goodbye to him. I’ll see you again next week. I’m not sure what I’ve got in store for you. As you can imagine, my schedule has been a bit disrupted, but I’ll think of something.

See you then!

  1. Steve Fisk “Express God”
  2. Mike Kandel “Slow Boat To China”
  3. Interview with Brian Long, curator of the Excursions in Ambience compilation album series
  4. Single Cell Orchestra “Drifting In Wire”
  5. Psychick Warriors Ov Gaia “Obsidian (Deconstructure Edit)”
  6. Interview with Brian Long, curator of the Excursions in Ambience compilation album series
  7. Material “Mantra (Praying Mantra Mix Edit)”
  8. Air “Trip #2”
  9. W.F.O. “No-One In The World (Edit)”
  10. Locust “Prospero”
  11. Interview with Brian Long, curator of the Excursions in Ambience compilation album series
  12. Tranquility Bass “Mya Yadana”

solipsistic NATION No. 247: Katabatik Records

Today’s mind bendingly fantastic show is all thanks to you! Well, not you specifically, obviously, but those of you on Twitter and Facebook who suggested that I feature Katabatik Records on the next label showcase. I’ve been doing this show long enough to know that people like you who listen to this show have good taste in music so when you said give Katabatik Records a listen, well, I listened. And I loved what I heard!

That’s really fortunate because over the years the format of this segment has evolved. In the beginning it was an excuse just to talk to labels that I already knew and loved. What’s changed is that these days I’m more about exploring labels that I have not yet heard or that I am just getting acquainted with. Keep your suggestions coming.

Jynx is our guest on this week’s show and he’s prepared a mix featuring select tracks from his label for your enjoyment. Many of the tracks come from net releases that you can download by clicking the links below. Oh, and check out the Autonomous Mutant Festival (which, for some reason, I insist on calling the New Mutant Festival) taking place next weekend in Cascadia USA.

Those of you with a keen ear will note that Fluorescent Grey of Record Label Records and Exillon make an appearance on Jynx’s mix. These artists and Record Label Records have all been guests on previous editions of solipsistic NATION and I encourage you download those shows if you like what you heard on today’s solipsistic NATION. If you know someone else who also might dig what you hear, turn them on to the show!

Next month, also by popular demand, we’ll showcase Moment Sound from Chicago.

I’ll be taking next week off to visit my grand father, who is very, very ill but the following week I’ll be back with a very special interview with Brian Long, who put together the seminal Excursions in Ambience compilation albums back in the 90s. See you then!

  1. Sacrificial Totem “1”
  2. Identity Theft “Crossed Lines” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  3. Interview with Jynx of Katabatik Records
  4. Nezzy Idy “The Flood” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  5. Fluorescent Grey “Coricidin” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  6. Mikronaut “Europsyche” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  7. RMS “Contact”
  8. Seacrypt “Glass Eye” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  9. Dimentia “Raindrift” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  10. Interview with Jynx of Katabatik Records
  11. Poison Ring “Toad” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  12. Total Accomplishment “September Song” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  13. Exillon “Shortwave” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  14. Interview with Jynx of Katabatik Records

solipsistic NATION No. 246: Zion Train, Live

This week’s show came together so quickly my head is still spinning!

Once a month on solipsistic NATION I feature a live performance from an electronic musician. I usually try to have a bank of live sets so I don’t have to scramble at the last minute to get a show out. I say “usually” because lately I’ve been so very busy that my bank of live sets had dwindled away and today’s show was fast approaching and I had absolutely nothing!

And then, out of the blue, I get an email from Dubmatix announcing Zion Train‘s forthcoming Dub Revolutionaries – The Very Best Of Zion Train album (check out Dubmatix’s live set on solipsistic NATION while you’re at it. I asked Dubmatix if he could put me in touch with Zion Train and within a day I was exchanging emails with Zion’s Neil Perch. Neil agreed to come on the show and was kind enough to send me their live set from Poland. I only just got off the phone with Neil a few hours ago.

I’m excited about today’s show for a couple reasons. First, it’s Zion Train, for crying out loud!

Zion Train were part of the dub explosion that came out of the 90s. They’ve released over 10 albums and their Live As One album won Zion Train the 2007 Jamaican Reggae Grammy for Best Dub Recording. It’s crazy that I’ve been listening to their music all these years and now I get to talk with one of the founding members and play one of their concerts on the show!

Another reason I’m excited about today’s show is that I got to use Apogee‘s Duet 2 to record the voice overs for the first time!

solipsistic NATION has always been a D.I.Y. cheap tech operation. I’m quite proud of that, in fact. I think it’s great we all have access to inexpensive technology that can be used for tools of creation. But I’ve reached a point where that aesthetic has stopped being a produce the best show I can with the tools at hand to a limitation. Yeah, my gear is okay, but for a reasonable investment I cam make solipsistic NATION sound so much better!

The Duet 2 is the first part of many stages that will take place behind the scenes in the next few months in the production of solipsistic NATION. I’m thrilled that I’ll be able to significantly boost the quality of the show and I’m equally thrilled in all the ways I’ll have to re-learn how I do my show.

Okay, enough of that.

Join us again next week when, by popular demand, we’ll showcase Katabatik Records.

  1. Zion Train “One Inch Dub”
  2. Interview with Neil Perch, founder of Zion Train
  3. Zion Train “Bloodlines (Live, Poznan, Poland 2009)”
  4. Zion Train “Forward Ever (Live, Poznan, Poland 2009)”
  5. Zion Train “Give Me Good Sensi (Live, Poznan, Poland 2009)”
  6. Zion Train “Bubblegum (Live, Poznan, Poland 2009)”
  7. Zion Train “Know Bout Jah (Live, Poznan, Poland 2009)”
  8. Zion Train “Edelweiss Piraten (Live, Poznan, Poland 2009)”
  9. Zion Train “Beware (Live, Poznan, Poland 2009)”
  10. Zion Train “No Answer (Live, Poznan, Poland 2009)”
  11. Zion Train “Terror Talk (Live, Poznan, Poland 2009)”
  12. Zion Train “Crisis (Live, Poznan, Poland 2009)”
  13. Zion Train “Life That I Choose (Live, Poznan, Poland 2009)”
  14. Zion Train “Baby Father (Live, Poznan, Poland 2009)”
  15. Zion Train “War In Babylon (Live, Poznan, Poland 2009)”

solipsistic NATION No. 245: Epiphyte

Today’s edition of solipsistic NATION is epic but it fought me every step of the way in it’s creation! Arranging and preparing for four interviews, waking up in the wee hours of the night to call Pitch Black‘s Michael Hodgson, endless hours of editing and mixing, two essential applications crashing constantly, etc. It is by sheer will alone that I was able to pipe today’s show into your tender and wanting ears. And what a show it is!

I’ve spent the last couple years off and on trying to showcase Waveform Records and that show finally came together earlier this month. Quite by coincidence, Bluetech, Phutureprimitive and Pitch Black had all recently released new albums, and all of them had releases on Waveform Records. I’m new to Ott but he’s somehow managed the trick of sounding at once utterly familiar and worn in but completely fresh and surprising at the same time.

Bluetech’s album, Rainforest Reverberation is classic Bluetech and 100% of the proceeds from all music sales go to end deforestation, species loss, and cultural upheaval in the Amazon. For more information visit and to stay tuned for regular updates and future releases. Evan has released over 20 albums, and he’s founded two really fantastic record labels, Native State and Somnia, where he’s released even more great music. You can listen to more music from Evan and his two record labels by downloading shows number 77 and 102.

I’ve been a fan of Phutureprimitive since the release of his first album, Sub Conscious. Phutureprimitive is another artist that took a few years to get on the show but the stars aligned and a window opened up for Rain to talk about his new album, Kinetic, and it was well worth the wait. From the music, to the albums, title, to the album cover, Kinetic is meant to convey one thing: movement. So get your booty moving!

While I was putting today’s show together I asked folks on Twitter and Facebook who they thought I should also include to round out the show and Pitch Black came up time and again and is an obvious choice if you give it a moment’s thought. Another happy coincidence: Pitch Black have also released a new album and it’s called Remixes & Rarities. Mitch was gracious enough to come on the show to talk about their new album and how much Pitch Black owes their sound to dub, so much so that it’s their “lead instrument.”

As I mentioned earlier, I’m new to Ott but I’m now a dedicated fan. I said that Ott’s music also feels very familiar. Earlier in his career Ott worked with such luminaries as Brian Eno, The Orb, Youth, African Head Charge, Steve Hillage, and On-U-Sound and I can’t help but think those experiences rubbed off on the young Ott. No wonder Ott’s music feels instantly beloved.

A bit of news…

This has been a banner month for solipsistic NATION and Junes’s not yet over!

As of today, solipsistic NATION has been downloaded over a whopping 33,000 times this month. That’s a record but it gets better still. This month’s live show featuring alka, merohedra, Alexei Borisov and 80(sun) has been downloaded over 11 thousand times! That’s more than the other show that was the most downloaded edition of solipsistic NATION. That was Amon Tobin‘s live set and that show took over two years to break 10,000 downloads!

Listen, I work hard on the show because I love the music and I want to share it with as many people as I can. If you like what you hear, you can help the artists by spending a buck or two on one of their songs, maybe buy an entire album. You can help me out by telling your friends and your net friends on Twitter and Facebook about solipsistic NATION if you want to share the music with them too.

Finally, and sadly, I don’t know if you’ve heard the news but Cheb I Sabbah has been diagnosed with Stage 4 stomach cancer and that his cancer is spreading to his liver and left lung. Without immediate and proper treatment, the prognosis given is very grim. Cheb does not have health insurance. As you can imagine, the cost to treat his cancer is going to be astronomically expensive. To make matters worse, due to his weakened condition, Cheb has had to cancel many shows, bringing his income stream to a complete halt.

But you can help.

Indiegogo is crowd sourcing to raise money to help pay for Cheb’s medical expenses. Cheb is a sweetheart of a guy (just listen to my interview with him back in 2007) and if you’ve ever met the man or enjoy his music, I implore you to go to generously donate some of your money to help Cheb.

Join us again next week for a recording of a special live performance. I’m not sure who our guest will be but I’m hoping it will be Altus. He’s long over due to be on this show. See you then!

Photo Credit: ©ViaMoi

  1. Bluetech “Inner Space Funk (feat. Katrina Blackstone)”
  2. Bluetech & Mr. Bill “Unidentified Flying Octopus (Mr. Bill Remix)”
  3. Interview with Bluetech
  4. Phutureprimitive “Unidentified Flying Octopus (Mr. Bill Remix)”
  5. Phutureprimitive “Rapid Cognition”
  6. Interview with Phutureprimitive
  7. Across Digital “Disarray (Pitch Black’s +13db@50Hz Remix)”
  8. Pitch Black “Bird Soul”
  9. Interview with Michael Hodgson of Pitch Black
  10. Ott “Squirrel and Biscuits”
  11. Ott “The Aubergine of The Sun”
  12. Interview with Ott

solipsistic NATION No. 244: Static Hiss

I’ve got a great show for you today. Well, great if you like things that snap, crackle and hiss.

We’ll hear a couple tracks off of the Clicks & Cuts 5.0 – Paradigm Shift compilation album. Clicks & Cuts was released by the newly relaunched Mille Plateaux label, and Clicks & Cuts caused a bit of stir in the electronic music community. Some feel the new owner, Marcus Gabler, is taking the label beyond it’s roots, while others think that Clicks & Cuts is simply derivative. Me, I don’t care. I think the album is pretty dope and I’m basing that solely on the music.

We’ll also hear a couple tracks from Electroton with artists Weiss, Thorsten Soltau and Kabutogani. I don’t know a lot about Electroton but so far everything I’ve heard from the label has been absolutely fantastic so I’ll be keeping my eye on them, and so should you.

I got a really nice email earlier this week from Lyman, who listens to the show from the UK. Lyman likes the show and he also turned me on to some really great music ranging from flamenco to French horn and Javanese Gamelan music to some Renaissance music. You can find videos of the music Lyman introduced me below.

Last week’s label showcase featuring Waveform Records got a lot of love. Macedonia from the always excellent Both Sides of the Surface podcast said that his wife still has her copy of the One A.D. compilation album along with releases from Higher Intelligence Agency and Sounds From The Ground.

Seven on Facebook told me that Waveform Records A.D. series helped him study while he was in med school and was excited to learn that he can now listen to more music from Waveform Records on the Musical Starstreams online radio show.

If you liked last week’s show featuring Waveform Records, then you’re really going to dig next week’s show. We’ll talk with Bluetech, Phutureprimitive, Ott and Pitch Black and hear tracks from their new albums.

See you then!

Photo Credit: ©nickphotos

  1. kiyo “Bear In. Warm-Noiz”
  2. Klive “Sweaty Palms”
  3. Wyatt Keusch “Object 01”
  4. Kabutogani “Ducts”
  5. Weiss “rezykla” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  6. Yu Miyashita “Scrypt”
  7. Pleq “Do You Ever Remember Your Dreams (from C&C 5.1 version)”
  8. Nicolaus “Inner”
  9. Sturqen “Nova Kenya”
  10. Luca Nasciuti “Pan~” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  11. Thorsten Soltau “Rezykla7”

solipsistic NATION No. 243: Waveform Records

On today’s show we’re going to hear select tracks from artists on Waveform Records. We’ll also talk with Forest, who is the label’s co-founder.

Today’s show is kind of a big deal for me. Back in the early 90s there were a clutch of albums that came out at roughly the same time I was falling in love with electronic music. Beyond Records Ambient Dub, Astralwerks Excursions in Ambience and Waveform Records A.D. compilation albums were on heavy rotation on my show when I was spinning at WMFO. I still consider those albums essential listening and they introduced me to a wider world of electronic music beyond industrial and happy hardcore.

When I began solipsistic NATION I had a list of record labels I wanted to feature on the show and Waveform Records was always on the top of the list. It’s a real treat for me, and I hope for you as well, to have Forest on today’s show. Forest will flesh out the history of Waveform Records and it’s origins in Forest’s radio show, Musical Starstreams and it’s connections to Beyond Records. We’ll also get a look at how online reviews can unfairly dog an album for years. And we’ve got some really, really great music to listen to!

Next month, by listener demand, we’ll showcase Katabatik Records. Joins us again next week and we’ll do it all over again. But completely different!

  1. Templeroy “Dubometer”
  2. Human “Home (Home Grown Mix)”
  3. Urchin “Shitewrecked”
  4. Interview with Forest, co-founder of Waveform Records and host of Musical Starstreams
  5. Coldcut “Autumn Leaves (Irresistable Force Mix Trip 2)”
  6. Interview with Forest, co-founder of Waveform Records and host of Musical Starstreams
  7. A Positive Life “The Calling (Ambient Mix)”
  8. Interview with Forest, co-founder of Waveform Records and host of Musical Starstreams
  9. Mystical Sun “Blue Magnetic Ocean”
  10. Asura “XP Continuum”
  11. Interview with Forest, co-founder of Waveform Records and host of Musical Starstreams
  12. Edward Ka-Spel “Hey Rainman (Forest Friendly Mix)”
  13. The Starseeds “Regina from the Future”
  14. Interview with Forest, co-founder of Waveform Records and host of Musical Starstreams

solipsistic NATION No. 242: alka, merohedra, Alexei Borisov and 80(sun), Live

It’s such a beautiful day here in San Diego that I decided to get out of the studio and record today’s introduction with you from my roof deck. There’s a light breeze and from where I’m standing I can see the Pacific Ocean. I wish you were here to see it with me. After living in Boston, San Diego feels like a slice of paradise.

Today’s show is going to be a bit different. Instead of featuring one or two live performances and an interview, I present to you four, count ’em, four live sets for your enjoyment!

During the last year or so I’ve been accumulating some recordings of live performances that on clock in at around 15 or 20 minutes. I’ve just been waiting until I had enough of these shorter sets to combine them into one show. Obviously, we’ve reached that point so let me tell you what you’ll hear on today’s live extravaganza.

First up, we’ll hear a live set from alka. I believe this set was recorded at the GATE in Philadelphia a year or two ago. Special thanks goes to Bryan Michael for providing me with alka’s live set.

Next, we’ll hear a live set from merohedra performing at Openmind stage back in 2010 at the Psycrowdelica Festival in Germany. merohedra is part of the Bak$hish Music collective and you can hear more music from the Bakshish Music on November 14th edition of solipsistic NATION.

From merohedra we’ll move on to Alexei Borisov show at Yaroslavl way back in 2003. I don’t know much about Alexei Borisov but I do know he’s somehow affiliated with Marcos Fenrandes of Accretions and that’s all the credentials I need (check out my interview with Marcos here).

We’re going to close today’s show with a live set from 80(sun). 80(sun) is the solo recording project of Jonathan Scherk. I’m not sure where this was recorded at except that it was recorded at a now closed art gallery to a room of dubstep punks. That’s all I know.

Speaking of live, I want to thank Daysha out in Texas for turning me on to Calvertron, Figure, Turbo Teen, Aversion and DJ Monkey who performed at the World Beat Center last night here in San Diego. Daysha is not only super nice but she’s also super talented and produces and promotes bass music.

Join us again next week when we’ll showcase Waveform Records, who are one of my favorite labels that also happen to be based here in San Diego. See you then!

  1. alka “Live, GATE in Philadelphia”
  2. merohedra “Live, Openmind stage at the Psycrowdelica Festival”
  3. Alexei Borisov “Live, Yaroslavl”
  4. 80(sun) “Live”

solipsistic NATION No. 241: Mutek

If you’re going to this year’s Mutek Festival in Montreal I’m envious. Sadly, I won’t be going but I’ve decided to bring the Mutek Festival to me by having Mutek’s founder, Alain Mongeau, chat with us about this year’s festival.

Mutek is an annual five-day event in Montreal which kicks of this year June 1st.

Each year, more than 100 artists, panelists, and industry professionals participate in what has become a leading event of its kind in North America. MUTEK also hosts numerous international versions of its festival in locations often under-represented in such places like Mexico City, Argentina, Chile, Brazil and Colombia.

Today’s show is a bit of a hodgepodge mix of acts I’d like to see at this year’s Mutek Festival. Amon Tobin has been on solipsistic NATION a couple times and his live set is actually the fist edition of solipsistic NATION to break 10,000 downloads but I’ve never actually seen Amon rock a show. I finally saw Badawi on Meat Beat Manifesto‘s Autoimmune tour and if I was going to this year’s Mutek Festival I’d definitely see Badawi again. I’ve also been a fan of Four Tet for years so I’d love to catch their show. And Plastikman? Are you kidding me? That guy’s been a part of the electronic music scene for what seem like forever. He’s an institution in the techno world. And that’s just some of the acts I wish I could see at this years Mutek Festival, let alone all the other other artists that are completely new to me.

If you happen to be going to this year’s Mutek Festival let me know what you though were this year’s highlights.

Join us again next week for a special live extravaganza featuring 80(sun), Alka, Alexei Borisov and Merohedra.

  1. Amon Tobin “Journeyman”
  2. Badawi & Seth Ayyaz “Bahr el Dumu’ Pt. 1”
  3. Diane Labrosse “L’imprimante”
  4. Interview with Alain Mongeau, founder of Mutek
  5. Four Tet “Love Cry”
  6. Horror Inc. “Crépuscule (Original)”
  7. Interview with Alain Mongeau, founder of Mutek
  8. Gold Panda “Fifth Ave”
  9. Modeselektor “Edgar”
  10. Deadbeat “Roots and Wire”
  11. Emptyset “Beyond”
  12. Interview with Alain Mongeau, founder of Mutek
  13. Traversable Wormhole “Tachyon (Original)”
  14. Plastikman “Slinky”

solipsistic NATION No. 240: blueOrb

Today on solipsistic NATION we’re going to bring in the Rapture with a mix put together for us by Praketh, who is also the host of the blueOrb podcast.

Praketh has only released a handful of shows on blueOrb but when he does, well, they’re just breath taking!

I first came across Praketh’s blueOrb podcast back in 2006 when he released his Down The Rabbit Hole (Electronic Chillout Mix). I still remember the first time I listened to it.

It was an early morning in San Diego. I had just pulled an all-nighter and was walking down the street to get some coffee. I had Praketh’s mix playing over my headphones and I was hearing things that I wasn’t sure was part of his mix or sounds of my city. They blended together so seamlessly I couldn’t tell one from the other. but they made that morning a magical experience.

And then there was the music, the beautiful music! With tracks from the likes of Tycho, Boards of Canada and Nalepa it’s hard to go wrong, but in Praketh’s hands he turned those songs into a narrative and an emotional journey.

I was so touched by Praketh’s mix I asked him if I could feature it on the show, and you can find it here.

Last month, Praketh emailed me with a link to another mix he had put together and asked if I would consider playing it on the show. I said yes before I had even downloaded his mix.

Praketh is an Indian based electronic music DJ who also performs as buffaPirate.

As blueOrb he plays music that’s emotional and rich in texture. As buffaPirate he spins bass heavy electronic music like Dubstep, drum and bass and Glitch-Hop.

In 2008 he moved from Bombay to New Delhi to work as the A&R/Label Manager for Audio Aashram and Programming Head for As of 2011 he has focused more on his own music productions, which I am really looking forward to hearing more of.

Go to to learn more about Praketh and hear more of his wonderful mixes.

Join us next week when we’ll talk with Alain Mongeau, the founder the Mutek Festival taking place in Montreal next month.

Photo credit: ©goblinqueen

  1. Subreachers “Memories Of A Better Times” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  2. king slaFF “Within (Substep Infrabass Sonar Remix)” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  3. Agalactica “Aloe Vera”
  4. Liquid Stranger “We Meet At Last”
  5. Zi “Blue Home”
  6. Ishq “Ankh (Samothraki RMX)”
  7. king slaFF “Sacrifice” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  8. I Wannabe “Erased”
  9. Vaccine “Wishful Thinking”
  10. Altair “Outsider Looking In”
  11. Hybrid Leisureland “Strawberry Planetarium”

solipsistic NATION No. 239: Herb Recordings

Once a month on solipsistic NATION I showcase a record label that is putting out such amazing releases that I am compelled to share them with you. I like to think of it as a form of public service.

On today’s show we’re going to hear select tracks from Herb Recordings. We’ll also chat with Craig Murphy, the man behind Herb Recordings.

Herb Recordings is is an independent record label based in Scotland and while they’re not an electronic record label per se, they release enough of it that I feel like I can claim them as one of our own.

I first took note of Herb Recordings when I would I listen to music from the likes of Skytree, Kingbastard and Shamanic Technology and I would think to myself, “this is great stuff!” And then I run off and quickly Google them and the trail always lead back to Herb Recordings.

Last December, Solipsism came on the show with his live set that was recorded at Nice n Sleazy in Glasgow. Craig Murphy is Solipsism and he’s also the man behind Herb Recordings and I asked if he’d be interested coming on the show. He joins us today from his home in Glasgow to talk with us about his label and the release of Herb Recordings excellent compilation album, Verdant.

Next month we’ll showcase Waveform Records. They put out all those great ambient dub and trance compilation albums we love so much and they also happen to be based in my backyard here in San Diego.

Join us again next week for a special mix from Praketh of the blueOrb podcast.

  1. Engine7 “Nichts”
  2. Skytree “Pulsae Referunt Ad Sidera Valles”
  3. Interview with Craig Murphy of Herb Recordings
  4. Jack Marchment “Countach Sound”
  5. Shamanic Technology “Temple of Mind”
  6. Engine7 & The Lotus Project “All That I Wanted”
  7. Kingbastard “Hapus A Ddaeth I Ben (Croesi Bysedd)”
  8. Interview with Craig Murphy of Herb Recordings
  9. Shamanic Technology “Electronic Therapy”
  10. Small Radio “Leaf Shaped Feelings”
  11. Ulle Kamelle “Stamm”
  12. Kingbastard “Boombox”
  13. Megamegaman “Tron”