“Plans That Fade (Faded Dub)” from Pale Sketcher‘s Jesu: Pale Sketches Demixed album. It’s Justin-fucking-Broadrick, what more do you need to know?!
Download a free mp3 of “Plans That Fade (Faded Dub)” here, courtesty of XLR8R.
“Plans That Fade (Faded Dub)” from Pale Sketcher‘s Jesu: Pale Sketches Demixed album. It’s Justin-fucking-Broadrick, what more do you need to know?!
Download a free mp3 of “Plans That Fade (Faded Dub)” here, courtesty of XLR8R.
“T.E.T.O.(strut)” by Cong Sanchez from the Vol. 1 compilation album.
I think it’s safe to say that if you’ve heard the Stereo MCs‘ music then you’re probably already fan. And if you haven’t heard the Stereo MCs’ music, which is almost impossible, then you will be a fan by the end of today’s show.
Well, actually, I have to admit the possibility that you may not be a fan.
I know I wasn’t.
When the Stereo MCs released their track “Connected” it was a monster hit. You couldn’t get away from it. At the time I was working a bar and a nightclub and if the DJs weren’t playing it in the nightclub, people were playing it on the jukebox in the bar. Even a good song, a great song, can turn sour if you hear it too much. And so I grew to loathe the Stereo MCs.
But nearly 10 years later a friend from work played “Connected” and I heard it with fresh ears and instantly became a fan. That very night I ran out and purchased their Connected album and, to my joy, they had recently released a new album called Deep Down & Dirty. Those albums were on constant rotation that summer.
I played those albums at parties the summer of 2001. I drove to the Getty Museum for the first time on a date while listening to those albums. I’ve made love while those albums played in the background.
As you can see, I have a very intimate connection with the Stereo MCs’ music. When I saw Rob on Twitter a few week’s ago I knew what I had to do: invite him on the show. And to my delight, he said yes!
I don’t think neither Rob or his partner, Nick Hallam, self-identify as electronic musicians. I think they just see themselves as musicians and electronic instruments are just one of the tools, among many, they use to create music. That’s cool, but they do use electronic gear and that’s good enough for me to call them one of our own. And if it isn’t? Who cares, it’s the Stereo MCs, for crying out loud!
If you liked today’s show, and honestly, how can you not like today’s show, then tell a friend. The more people who listen, the more people like Rob I can get on the show.
Joins us again next week when we’ll showcase music from Abaga Records.
See you then!
Photo Credit: ©highlandcow.com
“Close to Me” by Secrets from the Sex On The Beach Chill Out Volume 1 compilation album.
“Hiding the Light” from Underhill‘s Silent Siren album.
Can’t help but think ATR wanted to tip their hat to David Cronenberg‘s Videodrome.
Since posting this video I spoke with Alec Empire on Twitter and he confessed his love for Videodrome.
Check out my interview with Alec and a live set from Atari Teenage Riot here and the Digital Hardcore Recordings label showcase here.
“Ayahuasca” from SeventhSwami‘s Here for Now album.
“Paloma” from Sidestepper‘s The Buena Vibra Sound System album.