solipsistic NATION No. 280: Experimedia

Today on solipsistic NATION we’ll listen to select tracks from Experimedia, a record label, shop, and distributor based out of Ohio and established in 2000.

I’ve known about Experimedia for quite some time and it’s kind of surprising that our paths haven’t crossed already. Experimedia consistently puts out quality releases, so much so that when I hear about an album that’s released on Experimedia, I just assume that it’s going to be fantastic. It’s that kind of dedication to excellence that I showcase labels on solipsistic NATION in the first place. This is music you need to hear.

Jeremy Bible is the man behind Experimedia and he’ll also be performing tonight at the RCN CAVE in Akron, Ohio. If you came to solipsistic NATION from that show, then welcome aboard!

Want to hear more beautiful music from Experimedia? Check out the Experimedia mix on Headphone Commute‘s always excellent podcast.

If you liked today’s show why not tell a friend about solipsistic NATION. I’d also welcome a quick review on our iTunes page. The more people who know about solipsistic NATION the more shows like today’s I can produce.

Speaking of which, join us next week when our guests will be Benji Vaughan who’ll be performing at this years Glade Festival. We’ll also chat with Patti Schmidt from MUTEK and we’ll learn about, the Pandora for electronic music.

See you then!

1:01:07 | 55.97 MB

  1. RxRy “Cygnus”
  2. Damian Valles “Movement III”
  3. Interview with Jeremy Bible, founder of Experimedia
  4. From The Mouth of The Sun “Like Shadows in an Empty Cathedral”
  5. Superstorms “Part 3”
  6. Lawrence English “The Roar Ceasing”
  7. Jannick Schou “Then Filling Your Pockets With Stones”
  8. Keith Freund “The Ortzi”
  9. Interview with Jeremy Bible, founder of Experimedia
  10. Black Swan “The Quiet Divide (Reprise)”
  11. Ben Bennett “yet to be titled”
  12. Celer “Repertoire of Dinless Shifts (Excerpt)”

solipsistic NATION No. 279: Tripswitch, Live

On today’s show we have a very special live set from Nick Brennan of Tripswitch performing at the O.Z.O.R.A. Festival.

Nick Brennan is Tripswitch and as Tripswitch he’s released music that is just fantastic stuff! Nick has this knack for making music that feels well-worn and new at the same time. There’s something about his music that’s instantly familiar and feels like he’s always been part of your record collection. There’s something very English about it, too, because his music is very dreamy and idyllic with a undercurrent of darkness that surfaces from time to time.

It’s something I also recognized in Ott, who was our guest last June, and I think this strand can be traced back to The Orb, which can be further traced back to Pink Floyd. But that begs the question, how much further does this tradition go back in the history of English music?

We’ll find out when we talk with Nick. We’ll also talk about his alter ego, Codemonkey, and his label, Section Records.

Before we go any further, if you’re listening to today’s solipsistic NATION on Taint Radio then I’m afraid you’re not going to here the entire show. We’re going long because Nick has a very special recording of him performing at the O.Z.O.R.A. Festival.

Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. Just download today’s show and you won’t miss a thing. While you’re here, why not visit out iTunes page and give the show a quick review. The more reviews solipsistic NATION gets, the higher ranking it gets on iTunes, which means more people might find out about the show. Which means more people might get turned on to Nick’s music, which would be awesome, right?

Join us again next week when we’ll talk with Experimedia‘s Jeremy Bible. See you then!

Photo Credit: ©Kant Rathod

  1. Kaya Project & Tripswitch “When Only Sand Remains (Tripswich Remix)”
  2. Tripswitch “Circularity”
  3. Interview with Nick Brennan of Tripswitch
  4. Tripswitch “Strange Parallels”
  5. Tripswitch “Floating Point”
  6. Tripswitch “Live (O.Z.O.R.A. Festival, 2011)”