“From Star To Seed” from Rena Jones‘s Driftwood album. Beautiful album. Hear more beautiful music from Rena here.
Song of the Day: “Box Of Dreams (The Teknoist’s Box of Nightmares Labotomy)” by The Teknoist
“Box Of Dreams (The Teknoist’s Box of Nightmares Labotomy)” from The Teknoist‘s Trainwreck Magnetism album.
Song of the Day: “Wst-Est” by Filfla
FilFla/wst-est/ from Tokuro Oka on Vimeo.
“Wst-Est” from Filfla‘s Fliptap album. Whenever I hear a dreamy pop song from Japan I just assume it’s a 12k joint, but this one actually comes from Someone Good.
Song of the Day: “Wst-Est” by Filfla
FilFla/wst-est/ from Tokuro Oka on Vimeo.
“Wst-Est” from Filfla‘s Fliptap album. Whenever I hear a dreamy pop song from Japan I just assume it’s a 12k joint, but this one actually comes from Someone Good.
Song of the Day: “Variation in Blue #2: A Curtain” by Leonardo Rosado
“Variation in Blue #2: A Curtain” from Leonardo Rosado‘s The Blue Nature of Everyday album. Leonardo’s apartment was recently robbed and he lost some of his most important gear—his laptop and his SLR digital camera. Purchasing Leonardo’s album or even just a track would help him out. The music’s great so it’s win-win.
Song of the Day: “I Am Resistance” by Rico Pabón
“I Am Resistance” from Rico Pabón‘s Louder Than Fiction album. Nothing like a good ol’ fashion consciousness raising jam.
Song of the Day: “Before You Think” by Take
“Before You Think” from Take‘s Only Mountain album. Always felt that this album was kind of slept on because I expected it to blow up more than it did.
Song of the Day: “Of Love and Shadows” by Sephirot
Song of the Day: “Love Mistaken feat. Shelley Harland” by Morgan Page
“Love Mistaken feat. Shelley Harland” from Morgan Page‘s In The Air album. Not my usual cup of tea but there’s no denying how great this track is.
Song of the Day: “Silvan Finds Magic Shrooms” by htrspltn
“Silvan Finds Magic Shrooms” from htrspltn‘s Intracranial Tales EP. The sonic equivalent of psilocybin trip. Make your day magical and mysterious.