“It Will Never Be The Same Again (Moullinex Remix)” by Drop Out Orchestra. Not my usual cup of tea but the housey beats are so catchy I can resist!
solipsistic NATION No. 282: Shanti
On today’s show I’m handing the virtual wheels of steel over to Praketh, who has lovingly selected tracks from Audio Aashram, one of the only labels operating out of New Delhi that sell, promote and manage various artists and different styles of alternative electronic music. They also stream three different kinds of music at Radio79.com.
Praketh has been a guest DJ on solipsistic NATION several times now, and also produces his own show, the always excellent blueOrb podcast. In fact, it’s because of his podcast that we know each other in the first place.
I came across his show five years ago when he released a mix featuring everyone from Nalepa to Boards of Canada. To this very day that remains one of my favorite mixes. Anyway, I asked Praketh if I could feature that mix on solipsistic NATION. He graciously agreed and has been a welcome guest on the show ever since.
Whenever Praketh is kind enough to send a mix my way I invite him to come on the show to talk. But Praketh always declines, preferring to let the music do the talking. If you’ve listened to this show for any amount of time, you know that interviews are integral to solipsistic NATION. I like to get to know people in the electronic music community, what makes them tick, why do they do what they do? But Praketh’s mixes are always so brilliant that I’m willing to not scratch that particular itch.
I was considering releasing this show as a label showcase but when I talked it over with Praketh he pointed out that his mix, awesome as it is, doesn’t convey the breadth and scope of Audio Aashram. The mix is more representative of Praketh’s tastes in music. And that’s true, because this mix has Praketh’s fingerprints all over it.
You can hear more mixes from Praketh. Check out the December 21st, 2007 Gunning for the Buddha show and the May 21st, 2011 Blue Orb edition of solipsistic NATION.
If you know someone you think would enjoy today’s show, tell them about solipsistic NATION. Or give us a review on our iTunes page. Spread the word!
Join us again next week for a special in-studio performance by Tapage.
See you then!
- Open System “Inner sense (INTRO)”
- Dualist Inquiry “Orbital”
- Shantam “Reflexed”
- Lucid Picnic “Saturn Effect”
- Sattyananda “Realize”
- Akasha “The Chain”
- Sattyananda “Sonic Dreams”
- Sygnals “Abyss Escape”
- Sattyananda “Celebrate”
- Shantam “Selfitude”
- Sygnals “Recollection”
- Asura “Volte Face”
- Akasha “More Babak”
- Saatvik Sequencers “Raga Durga”
- Grains of Sound “Way In, Way Out (OUTRO)”
Song of the Day: “Tropical Space Race” by Spoonbill
“Tropical Space Race” from Spoonbill from his Astro Archipelago album. Just when I think I’ve got Jim Moynihan figured out he takes Spoonbill in entirely unexpected directions!
Song of the Day: “phaseyphase” by wAgAwAgA
“phaseyphase” from wAgAwAgA‘s midnight sampler album, which is easily one of my favorite albums of 2012.
Song of the Day: “Doce” by Niyaz
Song of the Day: “Dertli” by Niyaz
Song of the Day: “Dark Steering” by Squarepusher
“Dark Steering” from Squarepusher‘s forthcoming Ufabulum album. Squarepusher seems to be channeling his inner Tron. Yeah, I know, the song of the day is also today’s featured video. What can I say? It’s friggin’ Squarepusher!
Song of the Day: “Our Love (Capablanca Rework)” by Telonius & Peaches
“Our Love (Capablanca Rework)” from Telonius & Peaches from the Casablanca Remixes (Gomma 171) album. Damn, I really need to showcase Gomma on solipsistic NATION. Such a great label.
Song of the Day: “Perception” by Solar Fields
“Perception” from Solar Fields‘ Random Friday album. Another great release from Ultimae Records! Check out my interview with them here.
solipsistic NATION No. 281: Undiscovered Country
I have spent over 12 hours producing today’s show. This last surge of nervous energy is only going to last so long so let me give you the low down on today’s show before I collapse into a quivering heap of exhaustion.
First off, I want to say goodbye to Adam Yauch, or as we know him, MCA of the Beastie Boys.
I wasn’t a fan of their Licensed to Ill album because I could never get past their douchebag posturing. But there was no ignoring their Paul’s Boutique album and Check Your Head was virtually my soundtrack for 1992. As I was growing and maturing, the Beastie Boys were always a couple steps ahead of me, blazing the trail.
Adam passed away last week. I’ll miss his wit, his compassion and his humanity. The world is a little colder place with one less Beastie. Namaste, Adam.
Life is for the living, so let’s get on with it.
This year’s Glade Festival is less than a month away and we’re going to bring it in with Benji Vaughan, who will be performing along with Raja Ram and Simon Posford on the Origin Stage Twisted Sound System. Between them, they are responsible for such ground-breaking music including, but not only, Shpongle, Hallucinogen, Younger Brother and Prometheus.
The MUTEK Festival is also around the corner, taking place in Montreal May 30th to June 3rd. Last year we spoke with MUTEK founder, Alain Mongeau. This year we have the pleasure of talking with Patti Schmidt, the curator, programmer and web editor for MUTEK. Patti also has the distinction of being the voice for the CBC‘s Brave New Waves, a music program that features music and culture from the “fringes and the future.”
We’ll also talk with Vibin.fm‘s founder, Brian O’Toole. Vibin.fm is the Pandora of electronic music and Brian will explain how it all works, us how Vibin.fm works. Want to have a little fun? Enter any of the other artists featured on today’s show at Vibin.fm and see what comes up. I heard some lovely music from Kuedo, Teebs and Byetone.
Last but not least, we’ll chat with Craig Colorusso about his Sun Boxes. What are Sun Boxes? Sun Boxes are twenty speakers powered by solar panels. Each speaker has a different guitar note that loops. Once the piece begins they continually overlap and the piece slowly evolves over time. Oh, and be sure to check out Craig’s mobile Sun Boxes apps!
Today’s show is free. But if you enjoyed yourself, learned something new or heard something you liked, tell a friend about the show. Want to go the extra mile? Write up a quick review on our iTunes page. The more people who know about solipsistic NATION the more shows like today’s I can produce.
Join us again next week for a special mix featuring select tracks from the Audio Aashram Music catalog lovingly curated by Praketh, from the blueOrb podcast.
See you then!
Photo Credit: ©Fiddybobiddyfiddy
- D-Sisive “Adam” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
- Younger Brother “Train”
- Solar Fields “Perception”
- Interview with Benji Vaughan
- Apparat “Black Water”
- Apparat “A Bang In The Void”
- Interview with Patti Schmidt, curator, programmer and web editor for MUTEK
- Shlohmo “Tomato Squeeze”
- Salva “Weeeird Science”
- Clark “The Pining pt1”
- Interview with Brian O’Toole, founder of Vibin.fm
- Clark “The Pining pt2”
- Craig Colorusso “Grassy Field”
- Interview with Craig Colorusso, Sun Box creator
- Craig Colorusso “Frozen Pond”