Song of the Day: “Sus” by Pjusk

“Sus” from Pjusk‘s Sval album.

One of the benefits I’m getting from posting tracks to the Song of the Day section of my blog is that it’s forcing me to watch videos, which is always been something of an&emdash;ahem&emdash;a blind spot for me. I don’t know why but I’ve nevber really gotten into music videos. Maybe it’s because I never had MTV as a kid and hencenever developed a taste for videos. Or maybe it’s because music videos require my rapt attention, which means I can’t do anything else, and that makes me fidgety. Nonetheless, this is a beautiful video and had me pretty much fromt he first frame.

Song of the Day: “Spider Toupet” by Port-Royal

“Spider Toupet” by Port-Royal from Tympanik Audio‘s Emerging Organisms vol. 4 compilation album.

I’ve been thinking about this video for days. It felt like something lifted out of a fairy tale but really, this idea is so rich and so true that it’s been told again and again. I can’t help but think it has a special relevance for us as we enter the post-scarcity economy, at least n the digital sense. There is so much free media (music, literature, movies, etc) out there that it devalues itself. I’m sure we’ll reach equilibrium at some point but in the here and now it’s unsettling and unsatisfying.

Click here to hear music from Tympanik Audio and my interview with the label’s founder, Paul Nielsen.

solipsistic NATION No. 286: Everything Merges with the Night

Okay, folks, plug in your earbuds and grab your seats because here we go: on today’s show were going to talk to both DJ Jenny LaFemme, who with Maggie Derthick produced Girls Gone Vinyl: The Untold Story of Female DJs, a documentary funded through Kick Starter and Geeta Dayal about her charming and illuminating book, Brian Eno’s Another Green World.

Jenny and Maggie achieved their goal of raising $15,000 through Kick Starter to produce Girls Gone Vinyl this time last year. Girls Gone Vinyl asks a very simple and important question: why aren’t there more DJs who are women? The answers, of course, are many, and Girls Gone Vinyl covers more ground than just that question.

Do I really need to give an introduction to Brian Eno?

Brian Eno has created and produced more music and trends in his 40 year career then anyone could possibly hope for. He’s played with such legends as Roxy Music and Talking Heads and produced smash hits for U2 and Cold Play. His own albums have experimented with everything from ambient to pop to rock to noise. Hell, he practically invented ambient and Eno pushes the boundaries of what music and albums can be with each release.

Brian Eno’s Another Green World is just one masterpiece among many, but it’s a very important one that is a snapshot of the music Eno was creating in 1975 and hinted at what lay ahead.

Geeta Dayal writes about music for the likes of Wired and The Wire, The Village Voice and The New York Times and many other respected publications. Brian Eno’s Another Green World was written for 33 1/3, a brilliant series focusing on select albums like the Beastie Boys Paul’s Boutique LP or Throbbing Gristles’ 20 Jazz Funk Greats album.

My interview with Geeta kicks off a new segment I’m calling Electronic Lit. Upcoming shows will feature interviews with Lyle Owerko about his book, The Boombox Project: The Machines, the Music, and the Urban Underground, and How to Wreck a Nice Beach: The Vocoder from World War II to Hip-Hop, The Machine Speaks by Dave Tompkins.

I hope you’ll pick up a copy of Geeta’s book. In fact, I have a copy that I’m going to give away to a lucky winner. Email me at or Tweet me on Twitter @solipsistic for your chance to win. I’ll pick an entry at random and announce the winner on next week’s show.

Speaking of next week’s show, we’re going to showcase Robot Elephant Records and talk to the label’s founders Sebastian Weikart and Anthony Chalmers.

See you then!

  1. Amana Melomé “Nao Falo (Belladonna Deep House Remix)”
  2. Girls Gone Vinyl: The Untold Story of Female DJs “Street Interviews: Who is your favorite female DJ? Do you know any?”
  3. Amana Melomé “Caterpillar (Atjazz Remix Instrumental)”
  4. Interview with DJ Jenny LaFemme, co-producer of Girls Gone Vinyl: The Untold Story of Female DJs
  5. Brian Eno And The Words Of Rick Holland “The Airman”
  6. Brian Eno “2 Forms Of Anger”
  7. Brian Eno “Horse”
  8. Interview with Geeta Dayal, author of Brian Eno’s Another Green World
  9. Brian Eno “Slow Ice, Old Moon”
  10. Brian Eno “Calcium Needles”
  11. Brian Eno “Late Anthropocene”