“Nonsense (Disaster)” by Phontaine from the Manoeuvres 1: A Collection of Vancouver Electronica compilation album.
Song of the Day: “Crunkalicious” by PANTyRAiD
“Crunkalicious” from PANTyRAiD‘s The Sauce album. Love the album cover. Reminds me of those old funk albums like the Ohio Players.
Song of the Day: “The Mature Life” by Paranoid Castle
“The Mature Life” from Paranoid Castle‘s Paranoid Castle album. Good tune, good vices. But what’s a champagne nightmare?
Song of the Day: “Droid Factory (Update)” by Sravana108/The Nothing
“Droid Factory (Update)” from Sravana108/The Nothing’s I’m Ashamed To Be Human album. This track feels like it was pulled from the soundtrack to one of those Crank movies, but instead of crank it was smack.
Song of the Day: “Huh” by TEEN
“Huh” from TEEN’s In Limbo album. This track has a very 80’s 4AD-Cocteau Twins feel to it. Not a bad thing.
Song of the Day: “Naughty Girl” by Oy
“Naughty Girl” from Oy‘s First Box Then Walk album. Another great release from Creaked Records! When are they coming on the show?
Song of the Day: “Two Dimensions In A Single Frame” by Malka Spigel
“Two Dimensions In A Single Frame” from Malka Spigel‘s Every Day Is Like The First Day album. Malka Spigel is the new Kendra Smith!
Song of the Day: “Golden Clouds” by The Orb featuring Lee “Scratch” Perry
“Golden Clouds” from The Orb featuring Lee “Scratch” Perry‘s The Orbserver In The Star House album. The Orb and Lee “Scratch” Perry on one album? That may be too much of a good thing.
Check out The Orb, live, on solipsistic NATION. Bonus: interview with The Orb’s Alex Paterson.
Song of the Day: “Shell Shock” by SNM
“Shell Shock” from SNM‘s CRL Studios Presents: While You Were Out compilation album. Lots of great tracks on this album but this one may be the best.
Song of the Day: “Through The City On The Edge Of Forever” by Michna
“Through The City On The Edge Of Forever” from Michna‘s electro-Latin sounds Moving Mountains EP. This track slowly builds and builds until your floating in the clouds.