Tomes of Magick: The Book of Shadows

Hosts Adam Simpson and Terry Robinson discuss “The Book of Shadows;” Players Guides in World of Darkness games; additional abilities, Merits and Flaws; min-maxing in games; Sanctums (and their abuse); Joseph Campbell and the Hero’s Journey; a day in the life of Tradition Mages; flavoring magick; the schism in the Technocracy; vampires into lawn chairs; 3 ways to view the book.

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Worlds of Darkness: Mage/Wraith Crossovers

David Herman from The Geekly Oddcast discusses how to introduce Wraith to your Mage Chronicle; mechanics; powers; crossovers; metaplot.

Wraith is a game of horror and passion set in the underworld of the World of Darkness.  Mages can dip into this realm and find anything ever remembered and much much more. Get started with Wraith 20th Anniversary or Orpheus.

Contact us at with questions, comments, or feedback.

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Tomes of Magick: Digital Web

Hosts Adam and Terry discuss Digital Web for Tomes of Magick; a call for help with example play sessions; the book Gödel, Escher, Bach; a place where all mages can experience digital magick; Mount Qaf and ancient conspiracies; Spy's Demise, the ultimate neutral ground for trading information; tips for passing rumors to players; updating details to 2018; "Information wants to be free;” how technical should you get; story ideas in the Digital Web.

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The Babel Center

On today’s show Carrie Kube joins us to talk about her Mage adventure, “The Babel Center,” available on the Storytellers Vault. We discuss the adventure she wrote Vampire: The Masquerade, “Bloodlinebook Deava” and for Dungeons and Dragons Ravenloft; the artifact and characters featured in “The Babel Center;” tips writing for the Storytellers Vault; setting her adventure up for various editions of Mage and for crossover for other World of Darkness games; Spellfire: Master the Magic; how she discovered role playing games and Mage; Roll20.

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Tomes of Magick: Technocracy: Progenitors

On today’s show Adam discusses Anders Mage Page 2.0; introduces our new co-host, Terry Robinson; ways to handle Paradox; creatures for your chronicles; high technology or magic in disguise; drugs for your chronicle; the state of genetic science then and now; conspiracies in the World of Darkness and how much is too much; using Wikipedia to boost your Technocrats; adventure ideas involving Progenitors.

Join us next week when Joseph Aleo interviews Carrie Kube about “The Babel Center.”

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Tradition Book: Virtual Adepts

On today’s show Bill Maxwell joins us to talk about “Tradition Book: Virtual Adepts,”; his grandparents screenwriter Ernest Pagano and actress Norma Drew and their influence on him; how he got involved with Dungeons and Dragons and Vampire: The Masquerade and LARPs and writing for video games; why he was such a terrible player; adapting Star Trek: Starfleet Academy video game to a role playing game using Savage Worlds to play with his kids; why he chose Savage Worlds over Fate; Ten Candles RPG; his work on Fading Suns; how he came to work on revising the Tradition Book: Virtual Adepts; the Ascension War; working with co-writer Gary Glass; the influence of cyberpunk on Virtual Adepts; Grant Morrison’s The Invisibles and Alan Moore’s Promethea; Pythagoras in Bill’s book, Shadowpath (The Lost Gods Cycle Book 1); Alan Turing, Tesla, Jack Parsons, Aleister Crowley and L. Ron Hubbard; how the tools of the Virtual Adepts were adapted by the Alt Right; how he would update the Virtual Adepts to the 21st century; the Syndicate; being visited by the F.B.I.; the T Virus; spheres, trinary computers and tarot decks.

Join us next week! Adam Simpson and Terry Robinson review “Technocracy: Progenitors.”

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Tomes of Magick: The Book of Chantries

On today’s show we announce the winner of “The Enlightened Grimoire” and Adam Simpson discusses “The Book of Chantries”; what chantries, nodes, labyrinths and Horizon Realms are; the Nephandi; the Umbra and the Umbrood; quintessence; why Mages create Horizon Realms; the barabbi; the Ascension War; Doissetep; the Avatar Storm; Technocracy Constructs; Adam’s DIY ethic; plot hooks; Dreamspeakers; the weaknesses of “The Book of Chantries;” the seasons of chantries; the Order of Hermes; the EuthanatosHouse of Helekar; Lodge of the Gray Squirrel; Mecha; the Hollow Ones orphan chantry; Harry Potter; “Initiates of the Art;” chantries as echo chambers; marriage and children between Mages; utilities and supplies; getting to know acolytes; using portals; chantries for Virtual Adepts and the Sons of Ether; couriers; Umbral Courts;

Join us next week! Joseph Aleo interviews Bill Maxwell about the revised “Tradition Book: Virtual Adepts.”

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Enlightened Grimoire

On today’s show Charles Siegel joins us to talk about the Enlightened Grimoire, a book that contains every single rote ever published and updated for Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition rules. We discuss the Soft Apocalypse RPG I’m working on based on Will McIntosh’s book and the game mechanics I’m considering to run it (Strain, Fate Core, Savage Worlds, GURPS, Simple World, etc); the 1,500 rotes that appear in 200 pages of the Enlightened Grimoire; why he wrote the Grimoire; the How Do You DO That? book; who he consulted to write the Grimoire; the biggest challenge he faced writing the Grimoire; the most popular rotes and his favorite rotes; why he prefers to play Spirit Mages; how he got into role playing games and Mage; how his Chronicles have changed over the decades; the types of Chronicles he likes to explore; future projects he’s working on for the Storytellers Vault; advice for writing material for the Storytellers Vault; tools he used to wrote the Grimoire; Paradox: The Brainstorming.

If you’d like a free copy of the Enlightened Grimoire email us or contact us on Twitter and we’ll randomly choose a winner on next week’s show.

Join us next week! Adam Simpson continues his Tomes of Magick segment and will be discuss the Book of Chantries.

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Tomes of Magick: Loom of Fate

Adam Simpson discusses Loom of Fate, one of the earliest supplements for the first edition of Mage: The Ascension; the order of the supplements; line developer Satyros Brucato; the “clockwork” construction of the Loom of Fate story; examples of challenges and solutions; styles of game play; Marauders and the Book of Madness; the Technocracy; moral quandaries; shortcomings of Loom of Fate; faction play; Book of Chantries.

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