solipsistic NATION No. 190: Random

Today’s pretty unusual for solipsistic NATION because I’m playing songs that came up on my iPhone while on shuffle.

I’m only going to do this once because I’m pretty anal retentive on how I put the shows together. Behind the scenes I lovingly and painstakingly craft the mixes you hear. To just let my iPhone randomly choose the tracks unnerves me. Oh, sure, I’ve gotten ideas for shows while listening on shuffle but sometimes my iPhone will play terrible tracks. Or great tracks that would sound terrible together in a mix. But I’ve decided to throw caution to the wind and just see what happens.

It’s kind of exciting because today’s show is just as much a surprise for me as it will be for you!

The other thing that’s different about today’s show is that I decided that as long as I’m going to let my iPhone pick the songs I might as well as record the solipsistic NATION IDs on my iPhone too. And if I’m going to record the IDs on my iPhone then why not record the IDs in various spots in San Diego and take photos of those locations with my iPhone? You can see the photos below.

One spot I recorded an ID is at the Krakatoa Cafe. The Krakatoa Cafe is in my neighborhood and I’ve met several of the guests that have appeared on solipsistic NATION at Krakatoa such as Riley Warren and Stuntdouble. I also recorded an ID on my roof deck where I often relax when I convert editions of solipsistic NATION to MP3. One ID was recorded at Luigi’s Pizzeria. I’m more of a Chicago deep dish guy but I have to admit that Luigi’s New York style pizza is pretty dope. Finally, I recorded an ID at the Cuban Cigar Factory because I was trying to find a Perdomo Lot 23 Churchill Natural at Cameron Reilly‘s, host of the G’day World podcast, recommendation. No luck finding the cigar, though.

That’s the show. Hope you like it despite the unevenness of the mix but, hey, that’s what happens when you allow randomness into your life.

Join us again next week for a special live set from Mad EP!

  1. Raskolnikov’s Dream “Navarinou Dogs”
  2. Ninjasonik “My Kids Cant Eat No Fame”
  3. Left Spine Down “Welcome to the Future”
  4. The Qemists “Your Revolution (Reso Remix)”
  5. Ron Contour & Factor “I Only Know”
  6. The Juan Maclean “Happy House (Will Saul & Mike Monday Remix)”
  7. Mesmer “Whenever You Want Me (Line of Sight Remix)”
  8. Le Le “Breakfast (Mercury Remix)”
  9. Mesmer “Whenever You Want Me (Great Scott Remix)”
  10. Julian Jeweil “Soda”

solipsistic NATION No. 189: DSM-IV-TR

Back in the day blogs were considered pretty exotic. They covered everything from knitting to Star Wars and were more often than not very, very personal. A decade or so later and blogs are still pretty personal but they’re not longer quite so exotic. Seems like everyone has a blog these days and everyone reads blogs.

I myself follow 40+ blogs. Some blogs are by my friends or various people I find interesting while the rest are news blogs or blogs related to the industry I work in. And, of course, I follow quite a few blogs about electronic music so I can keep up to date.

The problem is that blogs are like music: 99% of it is crap. Either the writing is terrible or I completely disagree with what most of the blogs are covering. Not so with Headphone Commute, which is a blog I love.

I’ve been reading Headphone Commute for a couple of years now and for good reason. Headphone Commute covers the music I care about and exposes me to music I’ve never heard of before. The album reviews and label profiles are spot on. Headphone Commute does interviews are concise and to the point with everyone from Frank Riggio to Rena Jones.

If you’re looking for a quality blog to read about electronic music then I can’t recommend Headphone Commute enough and it is with great pleasure that I present to you a mix from Headphone Commute.

The mix is called DSM-IV-TR, which is short for Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which was republished in the 4th text revision back in 2000. Headphone Commute’s mix will take us from moody IDM to glitch to techno to drum and bass to dubstep and to music that defies genres. If you want to hear today’s mix without listening to me babble click here.

Before I go, I’ll be interviewing Ellen Allien, who is the founder of BPitch Control, about her label and her forthcoming album, Dust, which will be released in May, this Monday. If you have a question you’d like me to ask Ellen, email me at

See you next week!

  1. Ametsub “Faint Dazzlings”
  2. Lusine “Two Dots (Reverse Engineered)”
  3. Deru “You Haunt Me”
  4. Redshape “Bound (Part 1 and 2)”
  5. Fuck Buttons “Surf Solar”
  6. Clark “Gonk Roughage”
  7. The Tuss “Last Rushup 10”
  8. Jega “Aerodynamic”
  9. DJ Hidden “The Traveller”
  10. Broken Note “Meltdown”
  11. Deru “Peanut Butter & Patience”
  12. Harmonic 313 “Word Problems”
  13. Reso “Onslaught”
  14. Monolake “Titan”
  15. KiloWatts “Everglade”
  16. Roberto Rodriguez “Moonraker (Phonique Remix)”
  17. Burial & Four Tet “Moth”
  18. Dataworx “Control”
  19. Telefon Tel Aviv “The Worst Thing In The World (Gaiser’s Possibly The Universe Remix)”
  20. Telefon Tel Aviv “You Are The Worst Thing In The World”
  21. The Sight Below “No Place For Us” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  22. Ben Frost “Killshot”

solipsistic NATION No. 188: Bassick

I’m going to keep today’s show notes short because it’s late and I really need to go to bed.

Each week I get anywhere from a dozen to 50 or so tracks to review for upcoming shows on solipsistic NATION. I will then load them on to my iPhone and play them at random throughout the week, or in some cases, months.

As I listen to the tracks I will give them a one to five star rating. Anything that gets one star I just delete because let’s face it, who wants to hear that dreck. Any track I find mildly interesting gets a two star rating. Tracks that I think are solid get three star rating and the few tracks I think are top notch get a four to five star rating. Ninety percent of the time it’s the tracks with a three to five star rating that make it on to the show.

When it comes time to put together a mix for solipsistic NATION I usually review the tracks that I gave a high rating to and see if I can form some sort of theme or narrative out of them.

Sometimes I will jot down notes on my iPhone which tracks I think would be great for a mix, which is how today’s show came together.

And what is the theme for today’s show? Bass! All the track’s you’ll hear on today’s show are guaranteed to make your sub woofer throb. In fact, you might want to crank your sub woofer up a notch or two for extra effect.

Okay, that’s enough for today. Time for me to saw some logs.

See you next week!

Photo Credit: ©art-now

  1. Mochipet “Godzilla New Year”
  2. David Starfire “Cobra”
  3. edIT “Battling Go-Go Yubari In Downtown L.A.”
  4. Eskmo “San Francisco (The Rhythm)”
  5. Bassnectar feat. Cates & dpL “Backpack Rehab”
  6. Ooah “Tubstomper”
  7. DJ Hidden “The Dreamer”
  8. Graintable “Lost Frost”
  9. The Snipplers “All Around (Belzebass Remix)”
  10. Nalepa “Sunflowers (FuzZ Remix)”
  11. Heyoka “Fractalscape”
  12. Detritus “Haunted (Remix By Niveau Zero)”
  13. Vishnu “Bbombard”

solipsistic NATION No. 187: Manifold Valley

I’m back!

I missed last week’s show because there was a blackout in my neighborhood. When the electricity came back on it only came back on in half of my house so my computer was down for a couple of days. It kind of worked out because I’ve been planning on taking a vacation from solipsistic NATION for some time now so I could recharge my batteries. Now I’m ready to get back into it!

Today on solipsistic NATION I’ve got some absolutely beautiful ambient music in store for you. We’ll hear from Master Margherita, Circular, Hybrid Leisureland, Olan Mill, Wilt, Pjusk, Solar Fields, Talvihorros, Lovesliescrushing and Nest.

Master Margherita’s album, Ambient Manifold, was released on Bakshish Music and I wanted to mention Bakshish Music because they describe their label as a Temporary Autonomous Zone, which was a term coined by Hakim Bey. A Temporary Autonomous Zone, or TAZ, is a new territory of the moment that is created on the boundary line of established regions. Hakim Bey’s idea was that any attempt at permanence that goes beyond the moment will inevitably lead to a structured system that inevitably stifles individual creativity. Hakim Bey believed that Hakim Bey it is creativity that is real empowerment.

I lost count of how many times I read Hakim Bey’s Temporary Autonomous Zone and I wanted to share it with you because I think you might enjoy it too. You can read Hakim Bey’s Temporary Autonomous Zone online here.

We’ll also hear music from 12k, Ad Noiseam and Ultimae Records, who have also been showcased on solipsistic NATION. You can hear more music from 12k and my interview with 12k’s Taylor Deupree here. You can hear more music from Ad Noiseam and my interview with Ad Noiseam’s Nicolas Chevreux here. You can hear more music from Ultimae Records and my interview with Ultimae Records’ Sunbeam here.

See you next week!

Photo Credit: ©benlove79

  1. Master Margherita “Ambient Manifold” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  2. Circular “I’m Not Scared”
  3. Hybrid Leisureland “Exist Unreality”
  4. Olan Mill “An Obedient Ear”
  5. Wilt “Megalith (Cornucopia)”
  6. Pjusk “Vidde”
  7. Solar Fields “Air Song (8am Version)”
  8. Talvihorros “MDTS01 – SIDE A”
  9. Lovesliescrushing “Vrhhu”
  10. Nest “The Twelve”

solipsistic NATION No. 186: Headlight

I don’t know if you know this about me but I’m anal retentive about how I put together mixes from solipsistic NATION. Where other DJs will do a set on the fly I know how my set is going to sound well in advance and plan my segues down to the nanosecond.

But here’s the thing: my day job has been consuming my life. The work has been challenging and a hell of a lot of fun but it hasn’t left me with a lot of free time to meticulously put together a show. Out of necessity I went old school.

Back when I used to DJ at WMFO 91.5FM I would sometimes show up at the station 30 minutes to an hour before my show totally unprepared. I’d grab a couple bricks of CDs and a handful of vinyl and go into an empty studio and quickly previous the new releases for hidden gems and string together a mix.

It’s not the way I like to spin but working that quickly did keep me on my toes and take my show in unexpected directions. And that’s what I did for today’s show: just grab a bunch of stuff I’ve been been listening to and digging and seeing if I can somehow tie them together for a show for you to enjoy.

Let me know if it worked for you.

If you liked today’s show then please tell a friend about solipsistic NATION. Maybe they’ll like it to. In any case, thanks for listening. I’ll see you next week.

  1. X:THC “A Human Flood”
  2. DJ Food “All Covered In Darkness (Mr P Remix In3)”
  3. Duran Y Garcia “Old Fashioned Thief”
  4. De Madrugada “Essa Magia”
  5. Der Dritte Raum “Swingbopp”
  6. Modulo 5 “Miles 2000”
  7. Furcast “Grey Is Old”
  8. Blockhead “Farewell Spaceman”
  9. Bonobo “The Key”
  10. Th’ Mole “Whirled Fusion Is The Future Music”
  11. D-Sisive “The B.O.O.K.”
  12. Lymbyc Systym “Interiors”
  13. Gosprom “Lazy”

solipsistic NATON No. 185: Quarrel

I’m really excited about today’s show because I get to DJ for the first time in months!

Since 2010 we’ve had guest DJs and live sets from everyone from The Orb to Ben Frost to Hecq to Planet Terror Records. They’ve been great shows. Fantastic shows. But all that time I’ve been itching to get behind the virtual turntables and spin a set of my own. So like I said, I’m very excited.

Today’s set is going to be dubstep heavy. Not all dubstep. But a lot of it.

We’ll hear tracks from King Cannibal, Two Fingers, The Bug and more.

Today’s show goes out to Al in San Francisco.

Al was recently turned on to dubstep so I had him in mind when I was putting today’s show together. I hope you like the mix, Al!

I want to thank Taylor Shechet for interviewing me for Flash Flood Media back in January. I’m usually the one doing the interviewing so it was fun to answer questions instead of asking them. I got to talk about solipsistic NATION, being a DJ and keeping the pulse of electronic music.

Photo Credit: Tony Madrid Photography

  1. Forensics “Rapture (Unreleased)”
  2. We™ “Second-Hand Science”
  3. Team Shadetek “Brooklyn Anthem feat. 77Klash and Jah Dan (Acapella)”
  4. King Cannibal “Dirt Featuring Daddy Freddy”
  5. The Bug “Jah War (Featuring Flowdan)”
  6. Two Fingers “High Life”
  7. Bonobo “8 Tunnel (High Rankin Remix)”
  8. Mobthrow “My Dub Kingdom (Mobthrow Remixes FSOL)”
  9. Ebola “Painkillers (Enduser Remix)”
  10. Vex’d “Killing Floor”
  11. 3rd Eye “Undulate” [3rd Eye]
  12. Broken Note “Tokyo Dub (Remix By Broken Note)”
  13. Pitch Black “Sonic Colonic (Tom Cosm Remix)” [FREE DOWNLOAD]

solipsistic NATION No. 184: Planet Terror Records

Today on solipsistic NATION we’re going to showcase music from Planet Terror Records.

Planet Terror Records is a netlabel that offers a wide variety of electronic music from genres like ambient, idm, dubstep and broken beat from artists like Adam Kroll, B1t Crunch3r and Titus Twelve.

Planet Terror Records was founded by Sam Walby and Fred Oxby and they’ve put together a really mix for today’s show that has a lot of different moods and styles that will give you an idea of the diversity of music that can be found at Planet Terror Records.

Nearly all the music featured on today’s show can be downloaded for free by visiting today’s show notes or at Planet Terror Records.

  1. Barbarix “Born” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  2. Interview with Sam Walby and Fred Fred Oxby, founders of Planet Terror Records
  3. Cellar Dweller “Fish Tank” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  4. Adam Kroll “Paradise Industries”
  5. Robot Koch “101” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  6. Culprate “Culprate vs Moneycat”
  7. Nangdo “Untitled”
  8. Mikus “Shiva Dub”
  9. Interview with Sam Walby and Fred Fred Oxby, founders of Planet Terror Records
  10. Sephirot “Synthaesthesia” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  11. Smurd “Acid n Speak”
  12. Culprate & Slick & Polygon “Donkey” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  13. Barker “Big Bad Bernie (M.I. Loki Remix)” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  14. Interview with Sam Walby and Fred Fred Oxby, founders of Planet Terror Records
  15. Crosus “Big Bad Bernie (M.I. Loki Remix)” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  16. Titus Twelve “The Table of Six” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  17. B1tcrunch3r feat Dubbwune “Mentalism” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  18. Culprate “Toddler’s Nightmare” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  19. Titus Twelve “Baker For Life” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  20. Interview with Sam Walby and Fred Fred Oxby, founders of Planet Terror Records
  21. Titus Twelve “Step Up (Mantra Remix)”
  22. Mikus “Brockley Skank” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  23. Titus Twelve “Mr Morningstar” [FREE DOWNLOAD]

solipsistic NATION No. 183: Ben Frost, Live

The first Friday of each month on solipsistic NATION I feature a live set from an artists and today’s show is a recording of Ben Frost’s performance at St Katherine’s, a 16th century Gothic church in Krakow for Unsound in 2008.

Ben Frost is a musician, composer and producer who draws upon minimalism, post-punk, black metal and noise in his music. Ben’s album, Theory of Machines, gained him critical acclaim and his most recent album, By the Throat, cemented his place as an artist on the global stage.

Ben joins us today from the Bedroom Community studios in Iceland.

I’d like to thank Mat and Radek from Unsound for sharing Ben concert on this week’s show.

Ben’s concert came in under an hour so I asked HC from the Headphone Commute blog to put together a mix of Ben’s studio tracks to round out today’s show. HC is the man who turned me on to Ben so this is kind of my way for thanking him.

Join us again next week when we’ll talk with Sam and Fred of Planet Terror Records!

Photo Credit: ©chudo.sveta

  1. Ben Frost “Live at St Katherine’s (Unsound 2008)” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  2. Interview with Ben Frost
  3. Ben Frost “Through The Mouth Of Your Eye”
  4. Interview with Ben Frost
  5. Ben Frost “Through The Roof Of Your Mouth”
  6. Ben Frost “Through The Glass Of The Roof”
  7. Ben Frost “The Carpathians”
  8. Ben Frost “Through The Mouth Of Your Eye”
  9. Ben Frost “Theory Of Machines”
  10. Ben Frost “Stomp”
  11. Ben Frost “We Love You Michael Gira”
  12. Ben Frost “A Horizontal Fall (featuring Amiina)”

solipsistic NATION No. 182: EshOne

It’s been a long week for me here at solipsistic NATION. Last weekend I got hit with some sort of bug that had me bedridden for a couple of days. I’ve spent the rest of this week digging myself out from under a pile of work that accumulated while I was down. Recording the voice overs for today’s show while sick was not a lot of fun either.

But you don’t need to know about all that.

Despite being sick I still have a great show for you! Today’s show features a mix from our guest DJ, EshOne.

EshOne is a musicians and an impresario and runs the San Diego Dubstep website. EshOne is also affiliated with San Diego’s Brokenbeat.

I talk to people from all over the world on solipsistic NATION but we all need to support our local music scenes so I’m very pleased to have fellow San Diegan EshOne on today’s show. I’ll make my way to the next San Diego Dubstep show as soon as I’m over this damn cold.

If you just tuned in to solipsistic NATION because of last week’s show featuring Hecq, welcome. I hope you enjoy this week’s fantastic dubstep mix from EshOne. Stick around for next week’s show featuring a live set from Ben Frost!

  1. EshOne & Misk “Facedown In The Muck”
  2. King Slaff “Neinte”
  3. Interview with EshOne
  4. Shahin Badar & The Nasha Experience “Distortion”
  5. Undertow “Tribalism”
  6. Pete Lawrie “Panic (Monkey RMX)”
  7. Interview with EshOne
  8. Bulletproof “Imagine”
  9. Squarewave “Zulu”
  10. Monkey “Ninth Life”
  11. Spektrum “Hotstepper (Bulletproof Remix)”
  12. The Thirst “Could This Be Real (Ghost Remix)”
  13. Ghost “Think Ur Greezy”
  14. EshOne “Malbec”
  15. Bulletproof “Samcro”
  16. Ghost Ft. D Twist “Club Music”
  17. EshOne Ft. Erica AP “Fast Enough”
  18. El-B “The Romp”
  19. EshOne “Texas Pete”
  20. Bulletproof Ft. Rugged Teck MC “Step 2 U”
  21. EshOne “Faux Beau (D-Fab VIP)”
  22. Bulletproof “Soundtrack To Forever”
  23. Interview with EshOne
  24. EshOne “Float”
  25. Misk “Alabaster”
  26. Rachel Bennett “Tell Me (EshOne Dub Mix)”
  27. Djinn “Solace”
  28. Interview with EshOne

solipsistic NATION No. 181: Hecq

February has been a great month here on solipsistic NATION. So far we’ve had Alex Paterson on the show with a live set from The Orb, which was epic!

Last week Kristian Peters came on the show and we played select tracks from his label, Sending Orbs.

Next week EshOne will come on solipsistic NATION to talk about San Diego Dubstep and play a mix that’s guaranteed to make your sub woofer throb.

And then we have today’s show.

Our guest is Ben Lukas Boysen who records and performs under the name Hecq.

How to describe Ben’s music?

We’ll you’ll hear for yourself on today’s show. But let me quote HC from his Headphone Commute blog. He describes Ben’s music this way:

“Twisted rhythms swirling around your brain like an inhaled sip of wine and a gulped breath of smoke. Divine soundscapes crawling beneath the barbed wire of the restraining acoustic prison, begging to rather be shot in the back then remain draining their minimalism onto the cold surface of tears and blood.”

Ben has put together a mix for us that is equal parts spine tingling and mind blowing and he joins us today from Berlin.

Photo Credit: Liis Roden

  1. Hecq “Spires Awake”
  2. Interview with Ben Lukas Boysen of Hecq
  3. Hecq “Mercury” (Unreleased)
  4. Frank Bretnschneider “Polaris (Hecq Remix)”
  5. Hecq “Bad Karma”
  6. Hecq “I Am You”
  7. Hecq “Hole In The Sky” (Unreleased)
  8. Hecq “Sleep through The Day”
  9. Hecq “Dis”
  10. Hecq “Dis”
  11. Broken Note “Dub Version (Hecq Remix)”
  12. Interview with Ben Lukas Boysen of Hecq
  13. Kid 606 “Holiday (Hecq Remix)”
  14. Hecq “Tiamat (Unreleased)”
  15. Buckfunk3000 “Jump (Hecq Remix)”
  16. Hecq VS Exillon “Spheres Of Fury (Techdiff Remix)”
  17. Si Begg “Are You A Big Boy DJ? (Hecq Remix)”
  18. Hecq “Coldfire (Live At Maschinenfest 2009)”
  19. Milipede “Deepest Peace (Disturbed as Hecq Remix)”
  20. Ben Lukas Boysen “MDI03”
  21. Hecq “Night Falls”
  22. Interview with Ben Lukas Boysen of Hecq