solipsistic NATION No. 218: Masmöd & Solipsism, Live

Whoa, today’s show is really, really late. I feel bad about that. On the other hand, this is a podcast so you’re listening to this show on your schedule. Still, there’s something to be said about hearing a show just as it’s released. Anyway, today’s show is a worth waiting for because I have not one, but two, live sets from two great musicians: Masmöd and Solipsism!

I’ll let you in on a secret. Today’s show had a one year gestation period.

I usually have six to 12 months of live sets waiting in a queue (it’s a little anal retentive but I prefer to have those live sets on hand than having to scramble each month to find the next live set). One of the live sets was from Masmöd that he recorded at the Someday Lounge in Portland, Oregon that he had sent me some time ago. I really like the Portland music scene and I really like Masmöd’s music (I’m also a fan of Nueva Forma, a label and collective he co-founded) but his set clocked in just over 30 minutes and solipsistic NATION is an hour long show. Usually in these situations I pair of shorter live sets with other shorter live sets. I had a couple but they just didn’t fit with Masmöd’s music until last month Solipsism sent me his live set recorded at Nice n Sleazy in Glasgow. Solipsism is another musician I really like and I’ve been digging his It Could Be Clouds album (I also really like Solipsism’s label, Herb Recordings) so I’m thrilled to be able to present to you their live sets.

Told you today’s show was worth waiting for.

Oh, and my queue is now empty as of today’s show. I’ve sent out some feelers so we’ll just have to see what next months live show will feature. Hopefully it will be on time!

  1. Masmöd “Live, Someday Lounge (PDX)”
  2. Interview with Masmöd
  3. Solipsism “Live, Nice n Sleazy (Oct. 10th 2010)”
  4. Interview with Solipsism

solipsistic NATION No. 217: Ensorcelled

I don’t know where you are in the world or what time of day you are listening to this show but right now, for me, it is a rainy Saturday afternoon in San Diego.

It doesn’t rain often in San Diego but it’s perfect because it fits my mood and my mood is a foul mood. No particular reason for it. Just the usual hassle of dealing with a quotidian life. But putting today’s show put me in a better mood.

You know, usually I have to wade through a lot of crap to find tracks that I think are worth listening to on Solipsistic Nation. The last few weeks have been remarkable because I’ve come across a lot of great music. More so than usual.

In a lot of way today’s show reminds me of my days spinning at WMFO. I’d come in 45-60 minutes before my show, grab a stack of new albums and CDs I had pulled and quickly scan through them in one of our spare studios. Some how I’d manage to hang a show together from all the songs that I felt were listening to.

I’ve been very busy the last few weeks but as always, I’ve been flagging music that I’ve been listening to that might be played on a future show. Glad I did that because I found myself scrambling to put together this week’s show. I just grabbed an hour’s worth of songs and made a playlist that made some sort of sense, if only to me.

Quite a few of the songs heard on today’s show can be freely downloaded (check the links below) but I want to direct your attention to the Let’s Get Creaked compilation album. Usually you’re lucky if you get one or two decent tracks from a compilation album. The Let’s Get Creaked is chock full not just decent tracks but stellar tracks! Best of all, it’s free!

Hell, as long as we’re giving out free music you need to download Signal Path‘s Imaginary Lines album. These lads from Colorado have put together an album that just touches the soul over the speakers.

Okay. I’m out of here. See you next week.

Photo Credit: © Ryan Kasnick

  1. Hindu Pez “Climbing” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  2. Igorrr “Excessive Funeral”
  3. Salem “Hound”
  4. Tobacco “Motorlicker”
  5. Squarepusher “Laser Rock”
  6. Nosaj Thing “Coat of Arms (Boreta Remix)”
  7. Signal Path “Pet Horse” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  8. Sub Swara “Bend You”
  9. Tripswitch “Floating Point”
  10. Gold Panda “You”
  11. Alog “Islands of Memory” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  12. Opak “Looping” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  13. D-Sisive “If… (Instrumental)”
  14. Swedish House Mafia “One More Time”

solipsistic NATION No. 216: Bak$hish Music

Once a month on solipsistic NATION I showcase a label that is putting out such amazing music that I am compelled to share that music with you.

On today’s show we’re going to listen to select tracks from artists on Bak$hish Music. Bak$hish Music isn’t so much a label as a collective of like-minded artists modeled after Hakim Bey‘s Temporary Autonomous Zone (the socio-political tactic of creating temporary spaces that elude formal structures of control).

Bak$hish Music first popped up on my radar when they were kind enough to send me Cloucycle‘s Cumulus album (a project by Greg Hunter, Mauxuam, Master Margherita, Lingua Lustra and Ishq. Cumulus was such a fantastic album that from that point on I always kept an eye on whatever Bak$hish Music released and I have yet to be disappointed.

Like I said, when I find a label (or collective, in this case) that I love I want to share that music with you so I invited Maurizio and Moreno, Bak$hish Music’s co-founders, to talk about their endeavour. Arranging this interview took some time due to our conflicting schedules. At one point they were jamming with Robert Rich (check out his live set here) and then later they were performing at the Boom Festival. I’m thrilled to finally have them as guests on solipsistic NATION and share music from Bak$hish Music with you.

You can freely download nearly all the tracks featured on today’s show but I encourage you to support the artists by sending some cash their way.

Join us again next week when we’ll do it all over again. But completely different.

  1. Hanfstengel “The Whale” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  2. Interview with Maurizio and Moreno, co-founders of Bak$hish Music
  3. Master Margherita “Scramble 2001” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  4. Lingua Lustra “Tlacucahuatl” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  5. Interview with Maurizio and Moreno, co-founders of Bak$hish Music
  6. Master Margherita “Prova Sonido” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  7. Mauxuam “Wiggly Bits” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  8. Interview with Maurizio and Moreno, co-founders of Bak$hish Music
  9. Cloucycle “Nebula”
  10. HoeHLE “Mw4” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  11. Mauxuam “What Was I Doing?” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  12. Interview with Maurizio and Moreno, co-founders of Bak$hish Music
  13. HoeHLE “Neon Rhodes” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  14. Lingua Lustra “Skylight Drive”

solipsistic NATION No. 215: Dub Gabriel, Live

solipsistic NATION broadcasts and podcasts on KYOURadio, Mevio and Alterati and once a month on solipsistic NATION I feature a recording of a live performance. Recent guests have included Enduser and DJ Spooky. Today our guest is Dub Gabriel and the show was recorded last February in Beijing.

Gabriel’s music is inventive and fun and has just that right mix of aggro and sonic grit that I dig but how would that play in Beijing, I wondered. Very well, from what Gabriel tells me. And on a boat, no less!

I’ve been a fan of Dub Gabriel’s music since he first came on my radar, no doubt through XLR8R. My ears definitely perked up and when I heard his tunes and I’ve been following his career ever since. Gabriel has been a producer, DJ and multi-instrumentalist for over a decade and is one of only three artists in the world endorsed by Akai for their APC40 controller (the other two being Trent Reznor and Pete Townshend). It took a few years but I’m glad I to have him as a guest on today’s show!

Join us again next week when our guest will be Moreno, one of the co-founders of Bakshish Music.

  1. Dub Gabriel “Live in Beijing (Boat Club 2/19/10)”
  2. Interview with Dub Gabriel

solipsistic NATION No. 214: A Murder of Crows

Today on solipsistic NATION I’m providing the soundtrack for your Halloween.

Whether your getting dressed to go out to that Halloween party or whether your staying in watching scary movies or giving out candy to trick or treaters, I think I’ve got something for everyone on today’s show.

If you’re new to solipsistic NATION: welcome. A big hello to all of you coming our way by way of Alterati.

Each show on solipsistic NATION is different. The only consistent theme is that I play the very best of all genres of electronic music.

Last week’s Magicore show was so relentlessly cheerful that Halloween was just the excuse I needed to play some dark and scary stuff.

I don’t know how you’ll be spending your Halloween but I’ll be hanging out with my friends doing a Murder Mystery and I’ll play the role of Al Capone. That’s just the kind of dorks we are.

I’ll also be bringing two batches of Kool-Aid pickles to the party.

Kool-Aid pickles are basically pickles that have been marinating in Kool-Aid juice for a couple weeks. I’ve got a batch of cherry and a batch of lemon-lime pickles. The cherry pickles are blood red and the lemon-lime pickles are neon green. It sounds disgusting but they’re actually quite delicious!

Join us again next week for a special live set from from Dub Gabriel from Beijing.

Photo Credit: ©Paul Baggaley

  1. The Weather Channel “Weather Channel 0” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  2. Ad·ver·sary “Epilogue” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  3. Meat Beat Manifesto “Token Words”
  4. Ad·ver·sary “Darker” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  5. Geomatic “Final Dimensional Shift”
  6. Frank Riggio “Cristal Connyc” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  7. Pandora’s Black Book “Threshold”
  8. Suicide Inside “Mechanics Of The Fall” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  9. Enduser “Off”
  10. Trentemøller “…Even Though You’re With Another Girl (Alternative Instrumental Version)”
  11. Oy “Rosa (Live at Herbest Radio)” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  12. Synoiz “Ever Emptiness”
  13. You Shriek “Lilith in Libra”

solipsistic NATION No. 213: Magicore

Today’s show featuring music selected by the rad lads from the Magicore music blog is so much fun!

For the last year or so I’ve been friends with [tlr] on Twitter. [tlr] has always had great things to say and posted links to some wonderful links. A lot of links happened to be from his Magicore blog so I subscribed to his feed and was richly rewarded.

What is Magicore? Magicore is “a style of music primarily deriving influence from various genres of metal, electronic dance music, video-game music, and Japanese pop music. Magicore albums are conceptual in nature and revolve around a science fiction/fantasy storyline, with characters and settings.” Magicore as a genre doesn’t exist so Magicore the blog posts music that captures the spirit of what Magicore could be.

I loved the music I was finding on Magicore so I invited [tlr] to come on the show as a guest DJ to play the music he thought was the very best of Magicore. And boy did he ever deliver! As an added bonus, we also get to talk with tooth_eye and Phil who run the Magicore blog with [tlr].

I think you’re really going to like today’s show. Honestly, unless you don’t have a joyful bone in your body there’s no way you can not like today’s show. And to sweeten the pot we’re giving away a Voltron USB Flash drive from the fine folks from Incubot. Just email me a list of as many giant robot references you heard on today’s show for your chance to win!

Join us again next week for a special Halloween mix.

  1. Adventure Kid “Music Killed Me”
  2. Blazar “The Chrysalis” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  3. Interview with [tlr], tooth_eye and Phil of Magicore
  4. Master Hatchet “Dreams”
  5. SHE “Music”
  6. D/A/D “Miami Thunder”
  7. FANGiRL “whothehelldoyouthinkiam”
  8. Bear & Lampshade “Vegetarian Death Metal” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  9. Sickboy Milkplus “Tweencore 2”
  10. odaxelagnia “Happy Lucky Love Sugar”
  11. RoMak & The Space Pirates “I Can’t Find a Place To Park (The Tleilaxu Music Machine I Can Haz HHxC Remix?)”
  12. Hymen “SubarashikiShinSekai”[FREE DOWNLOAD]
  13. Interview with [tlr], tooth_eye and Phil of Magicore
  14. Tooth_Eye “Family Reunion (Blood of the Chiroptera)” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  15. Monokle & Galun “Globus”
  16. Owl Challenger “Women Snack on Souls” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  17. UrthSHiFT “Visitors”
  18. Johan ESS “Functional Vanity”
  19. NVR-NDR “Never Ender (Ghettomaster Remix by Tetsujin and [tlr])”
  20. The Tleilaxu Music Machine “Clicks Into Place”
  21. A Beautiful Lotus “Life in 140 or Less”
  22. [tlr] “Hexxxcellent”
  23. Norrin Radd “Becoming Superluminal” [FREE DOWNLOAD]
  24. Interview with [tlr], tooth_eye and Phil of Magicore
  25. Yatagarasu “Uninsured”
  26. Bubblegum Octopus “Meat Choir”
  27. Les Trucs “Waiting for My Superhero Skills to Come Out”
  28. Talks to Animals “Skyfire Arcade”
  29. Baby Giraffes “Rei II”

Download episode.
1:15:35 | 71.13 MB

solipsistic NATION No. 212: Distributed Cognition

Today’s show was actually supposed to be a mix for Macedonia’s Both Sides of the Surface podcast. I had Macedonia on the show a couple years ago and he wanted to return the favor and have me on as a guest DJ on his show.

I say “supposed” because this week I’ve been running ragged. Between starting a new job and helping a friend move I simply didn’t have the time or energy to put together a mix for this week’s show. But I did have the mix I had put together for Macedonia just waiting to be used.

Apologies to Macedonia. I’ll put together another mix for his show but I’ll have to work hard to beat this one because this one is pretty dope!

Join us next week for a special Magicore mix put toghether for us by TLR, Phil and Tooth-Eye.

I’m going to catch some Z’s. I’m out.

  1. Amir “Cadaques (Original)”
  2. Spoonbill “Flux Luxus”
  3. Autechre “rew(1)”
  4. Shlohmo “Teeth (Asura Remix)”
  5. Loden “Sunday Sierra Boxes”
  6. Morcheeba “Mandala”
  7. The Chemical Brothers “Another World”
  8. Flying Lotus “Dance Of The Pseudo Nymph”
  9. Ras G “Penny’s Confession”
  10. Tricky “Joseph”
  11. Sysyphe “Handfasting (Running Up That Hill)”
  12. Trentemøller “Sycamore Feeling”
  13. Andreya Triana “Lost Where I Belong (Flying Lotus Remix)”

solipsistic NATION No. 211: ZZK Records

As you may or may no know, once a month on solipsistic NATION I showcase a music label that is putting out such amazing releases that I feel compelled to grab you by the ear and play music from their catalogue. I’ve been doing solipsistic NATION for over four years so I’ve managed to feature a good chunk of the music labels I love and while there are plenty of labels I want to tackle I’m starting to see the horizon. I’m only one person and as diverse as my taste and knowledge of music is there is a limit. To keep things fresh I’ll ask folks on Twitter and Facebook which labels I should showcase on future editions of solipsistic NATION and ZZK Records came up time and time again.

ZZK Records is based out Buenos Aires and when I approached Grant Dull, the label’s cofounder, about showcasing ZZK Records he was kind enough let me have access to the label’s entire catalogue. I didn’t know what to expect but to my surprise and delight after playing tracks from ZZK Records on a random two hour sampling I didn’t hear a bad track. They were all fantastic and I quickly fell in love with ZZK.

I was also charmed with ZZK Records’ regional sound. Too often these days you can listen to, say, drum and bass from the US to Japan and it will sound uniformly drum and bass. It’s rare to hear electronic based music that has a locative quality to it. ZZK Records definitely sounds like it’s a product of Argentina. Furthermore, while the artists on ZZK Records may have a regional sound it’s not the flattened, homogenized worldbeat sound so popular with so many other flavors. The artists on ZZK Records have a real presence and while the music may have regional flavor it’s not for the sake of being exotic.

I can’t hope to convey the full range of ZZK Records on today’s show but it’s a start and I encourage you to dig deeper and explore further. You’ll definitely be rewarded for you effort!

  1. Intima “Fatbot es Lim (Tremor Remix)”
  2. Tremor “Terminal”
  3. Interview with Grant Dull, cofounder of ZZK Records
  4. Sonido del Principe “Cartagena”
  5. Chancha Via Circuito “Cumbia Murguera”
  6. Interview with Grant Dull, cofounder of ZZK Records
  7. Axel K Soundsystem “Cumbieton Rutero”
  8. Douster “Ladinian”
  9. Interview with Grant Dull, cofounder of ZZK Records
  10. Poirier ft. Boogat “Kalima Shop Titi (El Remolon Remix)”
  11. King Coya “Villa Donde”
  12. Fauna “Las Mil Caras”
  13. Meneo “La Licuadora”
  14. Aldo Benitez “Dia Libre (Chancha Via Circuito Remix)”
  15. Interview with Grant Dull, cofounder of ZZK Records
  16. Lulacruza “Canta (King Coya Milonga Remix)”
  17. Chancha Via Circuito “Selva”
  18. Interview with Grant Dull, cofounder of ZZK Records
  19. El Remolon “La Bonita”

Logan’s Run LEGO Diorama


Hey, everybody, got a great show for you today! Our guest is Keith Goldman and he builds amazing LEGO dioramas. Today’s show is an enhanced podcast so you’ll get to see his dioramas on your iPad, iPhone, iPod or on iTunes and see for yourself how amazing they are.

Come to think of it, you might have already seen dioramas based on the Logan’s Run movie last week on the web on blogs like Make and io9, which is how I found out about Keith.

I think the reason why people got so excited about Keith’s LEGO Logan’s Run diorama is because they combine to magical elements: LEGOs and Logan’s Run.

LEGOs are magical because you can build your own toys and create your own stories around them. And then you can take them apart and create something new. And while there seems like an infinite combination of things you can make with LEGOs you’re also challenged with building within the constraints of LEGOs plastic bricks, and that’s part of the fun, too.

And Logan’s Run?

If you recall, that was a movie where people lived in a domed city that was I’m complete ecological harmony but was essentially a shiny mall. Everyone was attractive and were complete hedonists. The only drawback to this utopia was that you had to die when you turned 30.

Some people didn’t want to die and wanted to escape to a place called Sanctuary where they could live out the rest of their lives. These people were called runners and the people who hunted them down were called Sandmen. And one Sandman, Logan, our titular hero, decides to run with our heroinn, Jessica, which takes them outside the domed city to the real world.

Looking back Logan’s Run seems kind of cheesy but there’s a lot going on in that movie. Logan’s Run is a retelling of the Garden of Eden story, but in reverse. Logan and Jessica are Adam and Eve who are kept infantilized in an artificial paradise. It’s only until they flee into nature that they become adults and can have a mature relationship with each other.

Logan’s Run can also be seen as a story about how civilization flattens us as individuals to better fit in a society. Logan’s Run can also be seen as a retelling of Plato’s cave story. When Logan returns from the natural world to the domed city to tell people that they don’t have to die, that there is a world beyond the domed city, he, like the character from Plato’s story, is regarded as crazy and a threat to their comfortable illusions.

Like a said there’s a lot going on.

And finally, as fake as the domed city looks in comparison to our CGI generated movies, I wanted to live in that world. By sheer force of imagination that world became real to me as a kid, and that’s kind of what it’s like building with LEGOs.

And that brings us back to Keith. So let’s go talk to him.

Songs heard on today’s show:

  1. The Daisy Riots “Girls Don’t Play Lego”

solipsistic NATION No. 210: Forensics, Live

Last month solipsistic NATION broke all previous records for downloaded shows! That’s due in large part to the guests I’ve had on the show during September such as Decibel Festival‘s founder Sean Horton, Mad EP, Ektoplazm and Enduser.

If you’re new to solipsistic NATION let me welcome you aboard.

On solipsistic NATION I feature the very best of all genres of electronic music. Dubstep, techno, drum and bass, whatever the genre is, as long as the music is slamming, I’ll play it.

solipsistic NATION also features interview with musicians, record labels, festival organizers-basically anyone who is involved in the electronic music community.

Once a month I also feature a live electronic music performance by and artist and have I got a treat for you today! We’ve got a live set from Forensics!

Forensics was on solipsistic NATION with a brief live set back in June along with ill.gates and Terminal 11. I’m a big fan of Forensics’ music so I invited him to come on the show again with a longer set.

Forensics has been featured on Radio One and has releases on such labels as Eight:FX, DubKraft, and Methodology and is the co-founder of the Ruffnek Diskotek club night.

Join us next week when we’ll showcase ZZK Records!

  1. Forensics “Comfort Blanket”
  2. Interview with Forensics
  3. Forensics “Up at Dawn”
  4. Forensics “All to Waste ft. Indi Kaur”
  5. Forensics “Bright White”
  6. Forensics “Hear Them Say (with Juakali)”
  7. Forensics “Exile VIP ft. Indi Kaur”
  8. Forensics “Wilderness”
  9. Forensics “Your Blood, My Hands”
  10. Forensics “Endless”
  11. Forensics “Lament”
  12. Forensics “Lost in Yamun ft. Indi Kaur”
  13. Forensics “Dungeon Master (Alien Pimp Remix)”
  14. Forensics “Not Alone VIP”
  15. Forensics “The Sixth”
  16. Forensics “Runway”
  17. Forensics “Exile (Phaeleh Remix)”
  18. Forensics “Endgame (DZ Remix)”
  19. Forensics “Trauma ft. Indi Kaur (Kulture Remix)”
  20. Forensics “Rough Ride ft. Rhythmical Thinker (Demon Remix)”
  21. Forensics “Endgame (R.Demon Remix)”
  22. Forensics “Endless (Wrexile Remix)”
  23. Forensics “Endgame (Two Oh One Remix)”