solipsistic NATION No. 282: Shanti

On today’s show I’m handing the virtual wheels of steel over to Praketh, who has lovingly selected tracks from Audio Aashram, one of the only labels operating out of New Delhi that sell, promote and manage various artists and different styles of alternative electronic music. They also stream three different kinds of music at

Praketh has been a guest DJ on solipsistic NATION several times now, and also produces his own show, the always excellent blueOrb podcast. In fact, it’s because of his podcast that we know each other in the first place.

I came across his show five years ago when he released a mix featuring everyone from Nalepa to Boards of Canada. To this very day that remains one of my favorite mixes. Anyway, I asked Praketh if I could feature that mix on solipsistic NATION. He graciously agreed and has been a welcome guest on the show ever since.

Whenever Praketh is kind enough to send a mix my way I invite him to come on the show to talk. But Praketh always declines, preferring to let the music do the talking. If you’ve listened to this show for any amount of time, you know that interviews are integral to solipsistic NATION. I like to get to know people in the electronic music community, what makes them tick, why do they do what they do? But Praketh’s mixes are always so brilliant that I’m willing to not scratch that particular itch.

I was considering releasing this show as a label showcase but when I talked it over with Praketh he pointed out that his mix, awesome as it is, doesn’t convey the breadth and scope of Audio Aashram. The mix is more representative of Praketh’s tastes in music. And that’s true, because this mix has Praketh’s fingerprints all over it.

You can hear more mixes from Praketh. Check out the December 21st, 2007 Gunning for the Buddha show and the May 21st, 2011 Blue Orb edition of solipsistic NATION.

If you know someone you think would enjoy today’s show, tell them about solipsistic NATION. Or give us a review on our iTunes page. Spread the word!

Join us again next week for a special in-studio performance by Tapage.

See you then!

  1. Open System “Inner sense (INTRO)”
  2. Dualist Inquiry “Orbital”
  3. Shantam “Reflexed”
  4. Lucid Picnic “Saturn Effect”
  5. Sattyananda “Realize”
  6. Akasha “The Chain”
  7. Sattyananda “Sonic Dreams”
  8. Sygnals “Abyss Escape”
  9. Sattyananda “Celebrate”
  10. Shantam “Selfitude”
  11. Sygnals “Recollection”
  12. Asura “Volte Face”
  13. Akasha “More Babak”
  14. Saatvik Sequencers “Raga Durga”
  15. Grains of Sound “Way In, Way Out (OUTRO)”