solipsistic NATION No. 89: Record Label Records

I’ve got a great show for you today! Well, actually, Robbie Martin from Record Label Records has got a great show for you. I’m just the host for this week’s shin dig.

I first met Robbie about four months ago when he was kind enough to send me his latest album Gaseous Opal Orbs. I enjoyed his CD so much that I had him on the show as a guest. I twas only then I found out that Robbie is the founder of Record Label Records. That’s one of the joys of producing solipsistic NATION, the show constantly surprises me with the people it puts me in contact with.

Record Label Records is a cool indie label that features such artists as Scorn, Kush Arora ( who I’ve also had on the show as a guest, by the way) and Sote. I like Robbie’s label because he features music by artists who fall on the experimental side of electronic music but lacks the pretension of your more artier musicians. There seems to be an element of playfulness and adventurousness than your typical soundsmiths who are usually over serious.

  1. Fluorescent Grey w/Laurie AK “Pea Leery”
  2. Kush Arora “Surya Dub”
  3. Scorn “Pin Down”
  4. Fluorescent Grey “Blue Glue”
  5. Interview with Robbie Martin of Record Label Records
  6. Nommo Ogo “Induction (Excerpt)”
  7. Fluorescent Grey “Hold Down + HK + START to Play as Kintaro”
  8. Lich “Shadow Men”
  9. Tomoroh Hidari “Shranzhall”
  10. Contagious Orgasm w/ Jiver Dicker “A1”
  11. Fluorescent Grey “EBM Nightmare”
  12. Dalglish “16b”
  13. Interview with Robbie Martin of Record Label Records
  14. Scuzi “Vanishing Twin Syndrome”
  15. Kush Arora “Garage Riddim”
  16. Sote “Trip”
  17. Nommo Ogo “Aisha”
  18. Interview with Robbie Martin of Record Label Records