solipsistic NATION No. 81: Ad Noiseam

I seem to have gained a reputation for playing only chillout music on solipsistic NATION. So untrue! I can, however, understand why some people might think that. The last couple months I’ve featured live performances from Dr. Toast and Nalepa, a guest mix from Travis Nobles from the hiddenplace music blog and featured music from Native State Records. So, yeah, I can see why people might think that all I play is chillout. Hopefully this week’s show featuring an interview with Nicolas Chevreux from Ad Noiseam and music from his roster of artists will put that notion to rest.

There is some pretty and delicate music on Ad Noiseam but on the whole, Ad Noiseam specializes in music that is experimental, gritty and very, very loud. Ad Noiseam doesn’t limit itself to a specific genre. From the metal/drum and bass stylings of Bong Ra to the insane breakcore of Enduser to the subsonic bludgeoning of Scorn, there’s something for everyone. As long as you don’t mind your ears bleeding, that is.

Sit tight. Crank the volume to eleven and prepare to have your mind completely blown. Just don’t send your medical bill my way.

  1. Bong Ra “Slaytronic”
  2. Enduser “Pushing Back”
  3. Interview with Nicolas Chevreux of Ad Noiseam
  4. Glowstyx “U R Mine”
  5. Interview with Nicolas Chevreux of Ad Noiseam
  6. Chevron “Burn Down The Jungle!”
  7. Exillon “Darkassid”
  8. Interview with Nicolas Chevreux of Ad Noiseam
  9. Jvox “Murder”
  10. Interview with Nicolas Chevreux of Ad Noiseam
  11. Raoul Sinier “Huge Samurai Radish (Lynx And Ram Remix)”
  12. Cdatakill “Yesterdays”
  13. Lapsed & Nonnon “Hapless Plastic (Ra Remix)”
  14. Mad E.P. “Scab Removal Technique”
  15. Mothboy “A303”
  16. Interview with Nicolas Chevreux of Ad Noiseam
  17. Scorn “Stripped Black Hinge”
  18. Aaron Spectre “Half Silver”
  19. Interview with Nicolas Chevreux of Ad Noiseam
  20. Lapsed “Lapsed + Urusai: Where Were You?”