solipsistic NATION No. 74: Electronicast

Hey, I admit it, as the host of solipsistic NATION I think the show is the coolest podcast around. You can’t expect me to be very objective about that. But on the other hand, I’ve listened to a lot of other electronic music podcasts and I’ve found the bulk of them to be terrible and, at best, mediocre. Even the electronic music podcasts that I enjoy I’ve also found wanting.

A lot of shows may play some spectacular music but the tend to play such a narrow spectrum of music over and over again on each show that there’s almost no point in downloading another show. Once I’ve heard one podcast I’ve pretty much heard all their shows. Where’s the fun in that? And other shows that play great electronic music might not have a host so I have no idea who you’re listening to unless I check the playlist. As a consequence, the show feels empty.

Then there are those few shows that play exceptionally good music and have a friendly host to guide me on my audio journey. Those are the shows that I think are worth listening to and that brings us to the Electronicast, hosted by DJ Snowy.

Snowy is passionate about the music he carefully selects for each edition of Electronicast, whether it’s breakbeat, IDM or ambient. No matter what genre of electronic music Snowy plays it’s the highest quality stuff out there. Just as important, Snowy mostly showcases independent and unsigned artists that deserve to be heard.

Snowy has only released a few episodes of Electronicast but it’s such a great show that it’s well worth the wait and I’m always excited when I find a new edition of Electronicast on my iPod.

As the host of solipsistic NATION I feel it’s not only my duty to play for you the very best electronic music but to also turn you on to electronic music podcasts that will rock your world. If after listening to this week’s show you feel you absolutely have to listen to more of Electronicast then why not subscribe to Snowy’s podcast? Life’s too short to listen to bad music.

  1. Snowy “Asia”
  2. Dementio13 “Polymath”
  3. Part 12 “Anon”
  4. SK123 “Massive Ambient Face”
  5. Subway “Persuasion”
  6. Mrs Jynx “Monkey Locked Out”
  7. Joycircuit “Absent Friends”
  8. Kouncilhouse “Rock Beat”
  9. Everlight “Can’t Get Enough”
  10. Dementio13 “Deprived of My Senses”
  11. Lights Out Asia “Roy”
  12. Dave Dark and the Sharks “Closedown”